use crate::context::Shell; use crate::segment::{FillSegment, Segment}; use crate::utils::wrap_colorseq_for_shell; use ansi_term::{ANSIString, ANSIStrings}; use std::fmt; use std::time::Duration; // List of all modules // Default ordering is handled in configs/ pub const ALL_MODULES: &[&str] = &[ "aws", #[cfg(feature = "battery")] "battery", "character", "cmake", "cmd_duration", "cobol", "conda", "crystal", "dart", "deno", "directory", "docker_context", "dotnet", "elixir", "elm", "env_var", "erlang", "fill", "gcloud", "git_branch", "git_commit", "git_metrics", "git_state", "git_status", "golang", "helm", "hg_branch", "hostname", "java", "jobs", "julia", "kotlin", "kubernetes", "line_break", "lua", "memory_usage", "nim", "nix_shell", "nodejs", "ocaml", "openstack", "package", "perl", "php", "pulumi", "purescript", "python", "red", "rlang", "ruby", "rust", "scala", "shell", "shlvl", "singularity", "status", "swift", "terraform", "time", "username", "vagrant", "vcsh", "vlang", "zig", ]; /// A module is a collection of segments showing data for a single integration /// (e.g. The git module shows the current git branch and status) pub struct Module<'a> { /// The module's configuration map if available pub config: Option<&'a toml::Value>, /// The module's name, to be used in configuration and logging. name: String, /// The module's description description: String, /// The collection of segments that compose this module. pub segments: Vec, /// the time it took to compute this module pub duration: Duration, } impl<'a> Module<'a> { /// Creates a module with no segments. pub fn new(name: &str, desc: &str, config: Option<&'a toml::Value>) -> Module<'a> { Module { config, name: name.to_string(), description: desc.to_string(), segments: Vec::new(), duration: Duration::default(), } } /// Set segments in module pub fn set_segments(&mut self, segments: Vec) { self.segments = segments; } /// Get module's name pub fn get_name(&self) -> &String { & } /// Get module's description pub fn get_description(&self) -> &String { &self.description } /// Whether a module has non-empty segments pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.segments .iter() // no trim: if we add spaces/linebreaks it's not "empty" as we change the final output .all(|segment| segment.value().is_empty()) } /// Get values of the module's segments pub fn get_segments(&self) -> Vec<&str> { self.segments .iter() .map(|segment| segment.value()) .collect() } /// Returns a vector of colored ANSIString elements to be later used with /// `ANSIStrings()` to optimize ANSI codes pub fn ansi_strings(&self) -> Vec { self.ansi_strings_for_shell(Shell::Unknown, None) } pub fn ansi_strings_for_shell(&self, shell: Shell, width: Option) -> Vec { let mut iter = self.segments.iter().peekable(); let mut ansi_strings: Vec = Vec::new(); while iter.peek().is_some() { ansi_strings.extend(ansi_line(&mut iter, width)); } match shell { Shell::Bash => ansi_strings_modified(ansi_strings, shell), Shell::Zsh => ansi_strings_modified(ansi_strings, shell), Shell::Tcsh => ansi_strings_modified(ansi_strings, shell), _ => ansi_strings, } } } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Module<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let ansi_strings = self.ansi_strings(); write!(f, "{}", ANSIStrings(&ansi_strings)) } } fn ansi_strings_modified(ansi_strings: Vec, shell: Shell) -> Vec { ansi_strings .into_iter() .map(|ansi| { let wrapped = wrap_colorseq_for_shell(ansi.to_string(), shell); ANSIString::from(wrapped) }) .collect::>() } fn ansi_line<'a, I>(segments: &mut I, term_width: Option) -> Vec> where I: Iterator, { let mut used = 0usize; let mut current: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut chunks: Vec<(Vec, &FillSegment)> = Vec::new(); for segment in segments { match segment { Segment::Fill(fs) => { chunks.push((current, fs)); current = Vec::new(); } _ => { used += segment.width_graphemes(); current.push(segment.ansi_string()); } } if let Segment::LineTerm = segment { break; } } if chunks.is_empty() { current } else { let fill_size = term_width .map(|tw| if tw > used { Some(tw - used) } else { None }) .flatten() .map(|remaining| remaining / chunks.len()); chunks .into_iter() .flat_map(|(strs, fill)| { strs.into_iter() .chain(std::iter::once(fill.ansi_string(fill_size))) }) .chain(current.into_iter()) .collect::>() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_all_modules_is_in_alphabetical_order() { let mut sorted_modules: Vec<&str> = ALL_MODULES.iter().copied().collect(); sorted_modules.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(sorted_modules.as_slice(), ALL_MODULES); } #[test] fn test_module_is_empty_with_no_segments() { let name = "unit_test"; let desc = "This is a unit test"; let module = Module { config: None, name: name.to_string(), description: desc.to_string(), segments: Vec::new(), duration: Duration::default(), }; assert!(module.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_module_is_empty_with_all_empty_segments() { let name = "unit_test"; let desc = "This is a unit test"; let module = Module { config: None, name: name.to_string(), description: desc.to_string(), segments: Segment::from_text(None, ""), duration: Duration::default(), }; assert!(module.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_module_is_not_empty_with_linebreak_only() { let name = "unit_test"; let desc = "This is a unit test"; let module = Module { config: None, name: name.to_string(), description: desc.to_string(), segments: Segment::from_text(None, "\n"), duration: Duration::default(), }; assert!(!module.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_module_is_not_empty_with_space_only() { let name = "unit_test"; let desc = "This is a unit test"; let module = Module { config: None, name: name.to_string(), description: desc.to_string(), segments: Segment::from_text(None, " "), duration: Duration::default(), }; assert!(!module.is_empty()); } }