![](../../workflows/gds/badge.svg) ![](../../workflows/docs/badge.svg) ![](../../workflows/test/badge.svg) ![](../../workflows/fpga/badge.svg) # Tiny Tapeout Verilog Project Template - [Read the documentation for project](docs/info.md) ## What is Tiny Tapeout? Tiny Tapeout is an educational project that aims to make it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital and analog designs manufactured on a real chip. To learn more and get started, visit https://tinytapeout.com. ## Set up your Verilog project 1. Add your Verilog files to the `src` folder. 2. Edit the [info.yaml](info.yaml) and update information about your project, paying special attention to the `source_files` and `top_module` properties. If you are upgrading an existing Tiny Tapeout project, check out our [online info.yaml migration tool](https://tinytapeout.github.io/tt-yaml-upgrade-tool/). 3. Edit [docs/info.md](docs/info.md) and add a description of your project. 4. Adapt the testbench to your design. See [test/README.md](test/README.md) for more information. The GitHub action will automatically build the ASIC files using [OpenLane](https://www.zerotoasiccourse.com/terminology/openlane/). ## Enable GitHub actions to build the results page - [Enabling GitHub Pages](https://tinytapeout.com/faq/#my-github-action-is-failing-on-the-pages-part) ## Resources - [FAQ](https://tinytapeout.com/faq/) - [Digital design lessons](https://tinytapeout.com/digital_design/) - [Learn how semiconductors work](https://tinytapeout.com/siliwiz/) - [Join the community](https://tinytapeout.com/discord) - [Build your design locally](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aUUZ1jthRpg4QURIIyzlOaPWlmQzr-jBn3wZipVUPt4) ## What next? - [Submit your design to the next shuttle](https://app.tinytapeout.com/). - Edit [this README](README.md) and explain your design, how it works, and how to test it. - Share your project on your social network of choice: - LinkedIn [#tinytapeout](https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/content/?keywords=%23tinytapeout) [@TinyTapeout](https://www.linkedin.com/company/100708654/) - Mastodon [#tinytapeout](https://chaos.social/tags/tinytapeout) [@matthewvenn](https://chaos.social/@matthewvenn) - X (formerly Twitter) [#tinytapeout](https://twitter.com/hashtag/tinytapeout) [@tinytapeout](https://twitter.com/tinytapeout)