(* * setup.ml * -------- * Copyright : (c) 2012, Jeremie Dimino * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of utop. *) (* OASIS_START *) #use "topfind";; #require "oasis.dynrun";; open OASISDynRun;; (* OASIS_STOP *) let search_compiler_libs () = prerr_endline "I: Searching for OCaml compiler libraries"; let stdlib = BaseEnv.var_get "standard_library" in let ( / ) = Filename.concat in try List.find (fun path -> Sys.file_exists (path / "types.cmi") || Sys.file_exists (path / "typing" / "types.cmi")) [ stdlib; stdlib / "compiler-libs"; stdlib / "compiler-lib"; stdlib / ".." / "compiler-libs"; stdlib / ".." / "compiler-lib"; ] with Not_found -> prerr_endline "E: Cannot find compiler libraries! See the README for details."; exit 1 let compiler_libs = BaseEnv.var_define ~short_desc:(fun () -> "compiler libraries") "compiler_libs" search_compiler_libs let () = setup ()