(* * myocamlbuild.ml * --------------- * Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of utop. *) (* OASIS_START *) (* OASIS_STOP *) let () = dispatch (fun hook -> dispatch_default hook; match hook with | Before_options -> Options.make_links := false | After_rules -> (* Use -linkpkg for creating toplevels *) flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "toplevel"] & A"-linkpkg"; (* Allow -g for toplevels. *) flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "toplevel"; "debug"] & A "-g"; (* Optcomp *) flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "pa_optcomp"] & S[A"-ppopt"; A "syntax/pa_optcomp.cmo"]; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "pa_optcomp"] & S[A"-ppopt"; A "syntax/pa_optcomp.cmo"]; flag ["ocaml"; "doc"; "pa_optcomp"] & S[A"-ppopt"; A "syntax/pa_optcomp.cmo"]; dep ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "pa_optcomp"] ["syntax/pa_optcomp.cmo"]; let env = BaseEnvLight.load () in let path = BaseEnvLight.var_get "compiler_libs" env in let stdlib = BaseEnvLight.var_get "standard_library" env in (* Add directories for compiler-libraries: *) let paths = List.filter Sys.file_exists [path; path / "typing"; path / "parsing"; path / "utils"] in let paths = List.map (fun path -> S[A "-I"; A path]) paths in List.iter (fun stage -> flag ["ocaml"; stage; "use_compiler_libs"] & S paths) ["compile"; "ocamldep"; "doc"; "link"]; (* Expunge compiler modules *) rule "toplevel expunge" ~dep:"%.top" ~prod:"%.byte" (fun env _ -> (* Build the list of dependencies. *) let deps = Findlib.topological_closure [Findlib.query "lambda-term"; Findlib.query "findlib"; Findlib.query "threads"; Findlib.query "lablgtk2"; Findlib.query "lwt.glib"] in (* Build the set of locations of dependencies. *) let locs = List.fold_left (fun set pkg -> StringSet.add pkg.Findlib.location set) StringSet.empty deps in (* Directories to search for .cmi: *) let directories = StringSet.add stdlib (StringSet.add (stdlib / "threads") locs) in (* Construct the set of modules to keep by listing .cmi files: *) let modules = StringSet.fold (fun directory set -> List.fold_left (fun set fname -> if Pathname.check_extension fname "cmi" then StringSet.add (module_name_of_pathname fname) set else set) set (Array.to_list (Pathname.readdir directory))) directories StringSet.empty in Cmd(S[A(stdlib / "expunge"); A(env "%.top"); A(env "%.byte"); A"UTop"; A"Outcometree"; A"Topdirs"; A"Toploop"; S(List.map (fun x -> A x) (StringSet.elements modules))])) | _ -> ())