(* * uTop.mli * -------- * Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of utop. *) (** UTop configuration. *) val count : int React.signal (** The number of commands already executed. *) val keywords : Set.Make(String).t ref (** The set of OCaml keywords. *) val add_keyword : string -> unit (** Add a new OCaml keyword. *) (** {6 Console specific configuration} *) val size : LTerm_geom.size React.signal (** The current size of the terminal. *) val prompt : LTerm_text.t React.signal ref (** The current prompt. For compatibility with ocaml error printing, it must ends with a line of length 2. *) val prompt_continue : LTerm_text.t React.signal ref (** The prompt used to continue unterminated phrase. For compatibility with ocaml error printing, it must ends with a line of length 2. *) val prompt_comment : LTerm_text.t React.signal ref (** The prompt used to continue unterminated comments. For compatibility with ocaml error printing, it must ends with a line of length 2. *)