The Vagrant Ansible Local provisioner allows you to provision the guest using [Ansible]( playbooks by executing **`ansible-playbook` directly on the guest machine**.
If you are not familiar with Ansible and Vagrant already, I recommend starting with the <ahref="/docs/provisioning/shell.html">shell provisioner</a>. However, if you are comfortable with Vagrant already, Vagrant is a great way to learn Ansible.
The main advantage of the Ansible Local provisioner in comparison to the [Ansible (remote) provisioner](/docs/provisioning/ansible.html) is that it does not require any additional software on your Vagrant host.
On the other hand, [Ansible must obviously be installed]( on your guest machine(s).
**Note:** By default, Vagrant will *try* to automatically install Ansible if it is not yet present on the guest machine (see the `install` option below for more details).
This page only documents the specific parts of the `ansible_local` provisioner. General Ansible concepts like Playbook or Inventory are shortly explained in the [introduction to Ansible and Vagrant](/docs/provisioning/ansible_intro.html).
The Ansible Local provisioner requires that all the Ansible Playbook files are available on the guest machine, at the location referred by the `provisioning_path` option. Usually these files are initially present on the host machine (as part of your Vagrant project), and it is quite easy to share them with a Vagrant [Synced Folder](/docs/synced-folders/).
This section lists the _specific_ options for the Ansible Local provisioner. In addition to the options listed below, this provisioner supports the [**common options** for both Ansible provisioners](/docs/provisioning/ansible_common.html).
-`:default`: Ansible is installed from the operating system package manager. This mode doesn't support `version` selection. For many platforms (e.g Debian, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE) the official package repository is used, except for the following Linux distributions:
- On Ubuntu-like systems, the latest Ansible release is installed from the `ppa:ansible/ansible` repository.
- On RedHat-like systems, the latest Ansible release is installed from the [EPEL]( repository.
-`:pip`: Ansible is installed from [PyPI]( with [pip]( package installer. With this mode, Vagrant will systematically try to [install the latest pip version]( With the `:pip` mode you can optionally install a specific Ansible release by setting the [`version`](#version) option.
With this configuration, Vagrant will install `pip` and then execute the command
sudo pip install --upgrade ansible==
-`:pip_args_only`: This mode is very similar to the `:pip` mode, with the difference that in this case no pip arguments will be automatically set by Vagrant.
config.vm.provision "ansible_local" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"
ansible.install_mode = "pip_args_only"
ansible.pip_args = "-r /vagrant/requirements.txt"
With this configuration, Vagrant will install `pip` and then execute the command
sudo pip install -r /vagrant/requirements.txt
The default value of `install_mode` is `:default`, and any invalid value for this option will silently fall back to the default value.
-`pip_args` (string) - When Ansible is installed via pip, this option allows the definition of additional pip arguments to be passed along on the command line (for example, [`--index-url`](
-`provisioning_path` (string) - An absolute path on the guest machine where the Ansible files are stored. The `ansible-galaxy` and `ansible-playbook` commands are executed from this directory. This is the location to place an [ansible.cfg]( file, in case you need it.
When an Ansible version is defined (e.g. `"1.8.2"`), the Ansible local provisioner will be executed only if Ansible is installed at the requested version.
It is currently possible to use this option to specify which version of Ansible must be automatically installed, but <strong>only</strong> in combination with the `install_mode` set to <strong>`:pip`</strong>.
With the following configuration pattern, you can install and execute Ansible only on a single guest machine (the `"controller"`) to provision all your machines.
And finally, you also have to create an [`ansible.cfg` file]( to fully disable SSH host key checking. More SSH configurations can be added to the `ssh_args` parameter (e.g. agent forwarding, etc.)