* [Install Ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html#installing-the-control-machine) on your Vagrant host.
* Your Vagrant host should ideally provide a recent version of OpenSSH that [supports ControlPersist](http://docs.ansible.com/faq.html#how-do-i-get-ansible-to-reuse-connections-enable-kerberized-ssh-or-have-ansible-pay-attention-to-my-local-ssh-config-file)
machines. The generated inventory file is stored as part of your local Vagrant environment in `.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory`.
* The generation of group variables blocks (e.g. `[group1:vars]`) are intentionally not supported, as it is [not recommended to store group variables in the main inventory file](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_inventory.html#splitting-out-host-and-group-specific-data). A good practice is to store these group (or host) variables in `YAML` files stored in `group_vars/` or `host_vars/` directories in the playbook (or inventory) directory.
* Unmanaged machines and undefined groups are not added to the inventory, to avoid useless Ansible errors (e.g. *unreachable host* or *undefined child group*)
* Prior to Vagrant 1.7.3, the `ansible_ssh_private_key_file` variable was not set in generated inventory, but passed as command line argument to `ansible-playbook` command.
The second option is for situations where you'd like to have more control over the inventory management.
With the `ansible.inventory_path` option, you can reference a specific inventory resource (e.g. a static inventory file, a [dynamic inventory script](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_dynamic_inventory.html) or even [multiple inventories stored in the same directory](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_dynamic_inventory.html#using-multiple-inventory-sources)). Vagrant will then use this inventory information instead of generating it.
* The machine names in `Vagrantfile` and `ansible.inventory_path` files should correspond, unless you use `ansible.limit` option to reference the correct machines.
* The SSH host addresses (and ports) must obviously be specified twice, in `Vagrantfile` and `ansible.inventory_path` files.
*`ansible.extra_vars` can be used to pass additional variables (with highest priority) to the playbook. This parameter can be a path to a JSON or YAML file, or a hash. For example:
*`ansible.limit` can be set to a string or an array of machines or groups from the inventory file to further control which hosts are affected. Note that:
* As of Vagrant 1.5, the machine name (taken from Vagrantfile) is set as **default limit** to ensure that `vagrant provision` steps only affect the expected machine. Setting `ansible.limit` will override this default.
* Setting `ansible.limit = 'all'` can be used to make Ansible connect to all machines from the inventory file.
*`ansible.raw_arguments` can be set to an array of strings corresponding to a list of `ansible-playbook` arguments (e.g. `['--check', '-M /my/modules']`). It is an *unsafe wildcard* that can be used to apply Ansible options that are not (yet) supported by this Vagrant provisioner. As of Vagrant 1.7, `raw_arguments` has the highest priority and its values can potentially override or break other Vagrant settings.
*`ansible.raw_ssh_args` can be set to an array of strings corresponding to a list of OpenSSH client parameters (e.g. `['-o ControlMaster=no']`). It is an *unsafe wildcard* that can be used to pass additional SSH settings to Ansible via `ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS` environment variable.
*`ansible.host_key_checking` can be set to `true` which will enable host key checking. As of Vagrant 1.5, the default value is `false` and as of Vagrant 1.7 the user known host file (e.g. `~/.ssh/known_hosts`) is no longer read nor modified. In other words: by default, the Ansible provisioner behaves the same as Vagrant native commands (e.g `vagrant ssh`).
Vagrant is designed to provision [multi-machine environments](/v2/multi-machine) in sequence, but the following configuration pattern can be used to take advantage of Ansible parallelism:
Certain settings in Ansible are (only) adjustable via a [configuration file](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_configuration.html), and you might want to ship such a file in your Vagrant project.
As `ansible-playbook` command looks for local `ansible.cfg` configuration file in its *current directory* (but not in the directory that contains the main playbook), you have to store this file adjacent to your Vagrantfile.
Note that it is also possible to reference an Ansible configuration file via `ANSIBLE_CONFIG` environment variable, if you want to be flexible about the location of this file.
It is good to know that the following Ansible settings always override the `config.ssh.username` option defined in [Vagrant SSH Settings](/v2/vagrantfile/ssh_settings.html):
Be aware that copying snippets from the Ansible documentation might lead to this problem, as `root` is used as the remote user in many [examples](http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_intro.html#hosts-and-users).
fatal: [ansible-devbox] => SSH encountered an unknown error. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue.
In a situation like the above, to override the `remote_user` specified in a play you can use the following line in your Vagrantfile `vm.provision` block:
The Ansible provisioner is implemented with native OpenSSH support in mind, and there is no official support for [paramiko](https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/) (A native Python SSHv2 protocol library).
If you really need to use this connection mode, it is though possible to enable paramiko as illustrated in the following configuration examples:
With auto-generated inventory:
ansible.raw_arguments = ["--connection=paramiko"]
With a custom inventory, the private key must be specified (e.g. via an `ansible.cfg` configuration file, `--private-key` argument, or as part of your inventory file):