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+ >CFEngine
>Chef Solo
>Chef Client
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+page_title: "CFEngine Provisioner"
+sidebar_current: "provisioning-cfengine"
+# CFEngine Provisioner
+**Provisioner name: `cfengine`**
+The CFEngine provisioner allows you to provision the guest using
+[CFEngine](http://www.cfengine.com/). It can set up both CFEngine
+policy servers and clients. You can configure both the policy server
+and the clients in a single
+[multi-machine `Vagrantfile`](/v2/multi-machine/).
+ Warning: If you're not familiar with CFEngine and Vagrant already,
+ I recommend starting with the shell
+ provisioner. However, if you're comfortable with Vagrant
+ already, Vagrant is the best way to learn CFEngine.
+Let us look at some common examples first. See the bottom of this
+document for a comprehensive list of options.
+## Setting up a CFEngine server and client
+The CFEngine provisioner automatically installs the latest
+[CFEngine Community packages](http://cfengine.com/cfengine-linux-distros)
+on the VM, then configures and starts CFEngine according to your
+Configuring a VM as a CFEngine policy server is easy:
+Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
+ config.vm.provision "cfengine" do |cf|
+ cf.am_policy_hub = true
+ end
+The host will automatically be
+to itself to become a policy server.
+If you already have a working CFEngine policy server, you can get a
+CFEngine client installed and bootstrapped by specifying its IP
+Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
+ config.vm.provision "cfengine" do |cf|
+ cf.policy_server_address = ""
+ end
+## Copying files to the VM
+If you have some policy or other files that you want to install by
+default on a VM, you can use the `files_path` attribute:
+Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
+ config.vm.provision "cfengine" do |cf|
+ cf.am_policy_hub = true
+ cf.files_path = "cfengine_files"
+ end
+ end
+Everything under `cfengine_files/` in the Vagrant project directory
+will be recursively copied under `/var/cfengine/` in the VM, on top of
+its default contents.
+A common use case is to add your own files to
+`/var/cfengine/masterfiles/` in the policy server. Assuming your extra
+files are stored under `cfengine_files/masterfiles/`, the line shown
+above will add them to the VM after CFEngine is installed, but before
+it is bootstrapped.
+## Modes of operation
+The default mode of operation is `:bootstrap`, which results in
+CFEngine being bootstrapped according to the information provided in
+the `Vagrantfile`. You can also set `mode` to `:single_run`, which
+will run `cf-agent` once on the host to execute the file specified in
+the `run_file` parameter, but will not bootstrap it, so it will not be
+executed periodically.
+The recommended mode of operation is `:bootstrap`, as you get the full
+benefits of CFEngine when you have it running periodically.
+## Running a standalone file
+If you want to run a standalone file, you can specify the `run_file`
+parameter. The file will be copied to the VM and executed on its own
+using `cf-agent`. Note that the file needs to be a standalone policy,
+including its own
+[`body common control`](http://cfengine.com/docs/3.5/reference-components.html#common-control).
+The `run_file` parameter is mandatory if `mode` is set to
+`:single_run`, but can also be specified when `mode` is set to
+`:bootstrap` - in this case the file will be executed after the host
+has been bootstrapped.
+## Full Alphabetical List of Configuration Options
+- `am_policy_hub` (boolean, default `false`) determines whether the VM will be
+ configured as a CFEngine policy hub (automaticaly bootstrapped to
+ its own IP address). You can combine it with `policy_server_address`
+ if the VM has multiple network interfaces and you want to bootstrap
+ to a specific one.
+- `extra_agent_args` (string, default `nil`) can be used to pass
+ additional arguments to `cf-agent` when it is executed. For example,
+ you could use it to pass the `-I` or `-v` options to enable
+ additional output from the agent.
+- `classes` (array, default `nil`) can be used to define additional
+ classes during `cf-agent` runs. These classes will be defined using
+ the `-D` option to `cf-agent`.
+- `deb_repo_file` (string, default
+ `"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cfengine-community.list"`) specifies the
+ file in which the CFEngine repository information will be stored in
+ Debian systems.
+- `deb_repo_line` (string, default `"deb http://cfengine.com/pub/apt
+ $(lsb_release -cs) main"`) specifies the repository to use for
+ `.deb` packages.
+- `files_path` (string, default `nil`) specifies a directory that will
+ be copied to the VM on top of the default
+ `/var/cfengine/` (the contents of `/var/cfengine/` will not
+ be replaced, the files will added to it).
+- `force_bootstrap` (boolean, default `false`) specifies whether
+ CFEngine will be bootstrapped again even if the host has already
+ been bootstrapped.
+- `install` (boolean or `:force`, default `true`) specifies whether
+ CFEngine will be installed on the VM if needed. If you set this
+ parameter to `:force`, then CFEngine will be reinstalled even if
+ it's already present on the machine.
+- `mode` (`:bootstrap` or `:single_run`, default `:bootstrap`)
+ specifies whether CFEngine will be bootstrapped so that it executes
+ periodically, or will be run a single time. If `mode` is set to
+ `:single_run` you have to set `run_file`.
+- `policy_server_address` (string, no default) specifies the IP
+ address of the policy server to which CFEngine will be
+ bootstrapped. If `am_policy_hub` is set to `true`, this parameter
+ defaults to the VM's IP address, but can still be set (for
+ example, if the VM has more than one network interface).
+- `repo_gpg_key_url` (string, default
+ `"http://cfengine.com/pub/gpg.key"`) contains the URL to obtain the
+ GPG key used to verify the packages obtained from the repository.
+- `run_file` (string, default `nil`) can be used to specify a file
+ inside the Vagrant project directory that will be copied to the VM
+ and executed once using `cf-agent`. This parameter is mandatory if
+ `mode` is set to `:single_run`, but can also be specified when
+ `mode` is set to `:bootstrap` - in this case the file will be
+ executed after the host has been bootstrapped.
+- `upload_path` (string, default `"/tmp/vagrant-cfengine-file"`)
+ specifies the file to which `run_file` (if specified) will be copied
+ on the VM before being executed.
+- `yum_repo_file` (string, default
+ `"/etc/yum.repos.d/cfengine-community.repo"`) specifies the file in
+ which the CFEngine repository information will be stored in RedHat
+ systems.
+- `yum_repo_url` (string, default `"http://cfengine.com/pub/yum/"`)
+ specifies the URL of the repository to use for `.rpm` packages.
+- `package_name` (string, default `"cfengine-community"`) specifies
+ the name of the package used to install CFEngine.