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+layout: "docs"
+page_title: "config.winssh - Vagrantfile"
+sidebar_current: "vagrantfile-winssh"
+description: |-
+ The settings within "config.winssh" relate to configuring how Vagrant
+ will access your machine over Windows OpenSSH. As with most Vagrant settings, the
+ defaults are typically fine, but you can fine tune whatever you would like.
+# WinSSH
+The WinSSH communicator is built specifically for the Windows native
+port of OpenSSH. It does not rely on a POSIX-like environment which
+removes the requirement of extra software installation (like cygwin)
+for proper functionality.
+_NOTE: The Windows native port of OpenSSH is still considered
+"pre-release" and is non-production ready._
+For more information, see the [Win32-OpenSSH project page](https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/).
+# WinSSH Settings
+The WinSSH communicator uses the same connection configuration options
+as the SSH communicator. These settings provide the information for the
+communicator to establish a connection to the VM.
+**Config namespace: `config.ssh`**
+The settings within `config.ssh` relate to configuring how Vagrant
+will access your machine over SSH. As with most Vagrant settings, the
+defaults are typically fine, but you can fine tune whatever you would like.
+## Available Settings
+`config.ssh.username` - This sets the username that Vagrant will SSH
+as by default. Providers are free to override this if they detect a more
+appropriate user. By default this is "vagrant," since that is what most
+public boxes are made as.
+`config.ssh.password` - This sets a password that Vagrant will use to
+authenticate the SSH user. Note that Vagrant recommends you use key-based
+authentication rather than a password (see `private_key_path`) below. If
+you use a password, Vagrant will automatically insert a keypair if
+`insert_key` is true.
+`config.ssh.host` - The hostname or IP to SSH into. By default this is
+empty, because the provider usually figures this out for you.
+`config.ssh.port` - The port to SSH into. By default this is port 22.
+`config.ssh.guest_port` - The port on the guest that SSH is running on. This
+is used by some providers to detect forwarded ports for SSH. For example, if
+this is set to 22 (the default), and Vagrant detects a forwarded port to
+port 22 on the guest from port 4567 on the host, Vagrant will attempt
+to use port 4567 to talk to the guest if there is no other option.
+`config.ssh.private_key_path` - The path to the private key to use to
+SSH into the guest machine. By default this is the insecure private key
+that ships with Vagrant, since that is what public boxes use. If you make
+your own custom box with a custom SSH key, this should point to that
+private key.
+You can also specify multiple private keys by setting this to be an array.
+This is useful, for example, if you use the default private key to bootstrap
+the machine, but replace it with perhaps a more secure key later.
+`config.ssh.insert_key` - If `true`, Vagrant will automatically insert
+a keypair to use for SSH, replacing Vagrant's default insecure key
+inside the machine if detected. By default, this is true.
+This only has an effect if you do not already use private keys for
+authentication or if you are relying on the default insecure key.
+If you do not have to care about security in your project and want to
+keep using the default insecure key, set this to `false`.
+`config.ssh.keys_only` - Only use Vagrant-provided SSH private keys (do not use
+any keys stored in ssh-agent). The default value is `true`.`
+`config.ssh.paranoid` - Perform strict host-key verification. The default value
+is `false`.
+# WinSSH Settings
+The configuration options below are specific to the WinSSH communicator.
+**Config namespace: `config.winssh`**
+## Available Settings
+`config.winssh.forward_agent` - If `true`, agent forwarding over SSH
+connections is enabled. Defaults to false.
+`config.winssh.forward_env` - An array of host environment variables to forward to
+the guest. If you are familiar with OpenSSH, this corresponds to the `SendEnv`
+config.winssh.forward_env = ["CUSTOM_VAR"]
+`config.winssh.proxy_command` - A command-line command to execute that receives
+the data to send to SSH on stdin. This can be used to proxy the SSH connection.
+`%h` in the command is replaced with the host and `%p` is replaced with
+the port.
+`config.winssh.keep_alive` If `true`, this setting SSH will send keep-alive packets
+every 5 seconds by default to keep connections alive.
+`config.winssh.shell` - The shell to use when executing SSH commands from
+Vagrant. By default this is `cmd`. Valid values are `"cmd"` or `"powershell"`.
+Note that this has no effect on the shell you get when you run `vagrant ssh`.
+This configuration option only affects the shell to use when executing commands
+internally in Vagrant.
+`config.winssh.export_command_template` - The template used to generate
+exported environment variables in the active session. This can be useful
+when using a Bourne incompatible shell like C shell. The template supports
+two variables which are replaced with the desired environment variable key and
+environment variable value: `%ENV_KEY%` and `%ENV_VALUE%`. The default template
+for a `cmd` configured shell is:
+config.winssh.export_command_template = 'set %ENV_KEY%="%ENV_VALUE%"'
+The default template for a `powershell` configured shell is:
+config.winssh.export_command_template = '$env:%ENV_KEY%="%ENV_VALUE%"'
+`config.winssh.sudo_command` - The command to use when executing a command
+with `sudo`. This defaults to `%c` (assumes vagrant user is an administator
+and needs no escalation). The `%c` will be replaced by the command that is
+being executed.
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+ >config.winssh