- Tested on mountainlion/virtualbox
- virtualbox shared folders will not work (no vboxvsf support)
- Must use at least 2GB of RAM or the os will refuse to boot(mountainlion requirement)
To begin, create a mountainlion vm in virtualbox. You will need to install from scratch most likely, and assign at least 2GB of ram for it to install.
Create 2 network interfaces, the first one a NAT interface, second a hostonly interface.
'vagrant package' the VM.
In your vagrant file, be sure that the synced folder is disabled:
config.vm.synced_folder "vagrant", "/vagrant", disabled: true
The version_number regex was causing an error because my /etc/redhat-release looks like this:
Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)
This fix allowed initialize to run just fine on my ridiculously old release.
This mimics the equivalent feature from the chef_solo provisioner, and
mounts the puppet manifests and modules with NFS. Doing so can greatly
shortens the time of a puppet run if you have many .pp files.
Enabling this is optional. Virtualbox's (or any other provider's) shared
folders method stays the default. A typical usage would look like this:
config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
puppet.manifests_path = "puppetmaster/manifests"
puppet.module_path = ["puppetmaster/modules"]
puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp"
puppet.nfs = true
This fixes#1308.
The RDoc comments for `Vagrant::Action::Builder#to_app` reference an
instance of `Vagrant::Action::Environment` as the passed paramter. There
is no class `Vagrant::Action::Environment` available. The param being
passed is actually a `Hash` that represents the "action environment".
This commit corrects the RDoc lines for
`Vagrant::Action::Builder#to_app` to correctly reference the passed
Symtom: The group ID for groups that are not backed by a user account (e.g. admin) cannot be obtained from the id command.
Consequence: The shared folder group can only be set to a group where by a user account of the same name exists.
Solution: Correcting the method to define the group ID by looking up the group ID via the group name.
the result line needs space between the name of the VM and short_description - otherwise the formatting of the output breaks when the name of the VM is too long - the name of the VM gets smashed together with the short_description rendering