require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper') class SshTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "hobo ssh" do setup do @handler = Hobo::SSH @script = Hobo::SSH::SCRIPT Hobo.config!(hobo_mock_config) end test "should call exec with defaults when no options are supplied" do ssh = hobo_mock_config[:ssh] Kernel.expects(:exec).with("#{@script} #{ssh[:uname]} #{ssh[:pass]} #{ssh[:host]} #{ssh[:port]}") Hobo::SSH.connect end test "should call exec with supplied params" do args = {:uname => 'bar', :pass => 'baz', :host => 'bak', :port => 'bag'} Kernel.expects(:exec).with("#{@script} #{args[:uname]} #{args[:pass]} #{args[:host]} #{args[:port]}") Hobo::SSH.connect(args) end end context "net-ssh interaction" do should "call net::ssh.start with the proper names" do Net::SSH.expects(:start).with("localhost", Hobo.config[:ssh][:uname], anything).once Hobo::SSH.execute end end end