//= require jquery //= require bootstrap //= require lib/_Base //= require hashicorp/mega-nav //= require app/_app //= require app/_docs //= require app/_sidebar //= require app/_util //= require_self // Redirect to the proper checkout screen for quantity $(document).ready(function() { var selectedProduct = ""; function setSelectedProduct() { selectedProduct = $("input[name=product]:checked").val(); } $(".buy-form input[name=product]").change(function() { setSelectedProduct(); var text = selectedProduct.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + selectedProduct.slice(1); $("#buy-fusion").text("Buy " + text + " Licenses Now"); }); $("#buy-fusion").click(function() { var seats = parseInt($("#seats").val(), 10); if (isNaN(seats)) { alert("The number of seats you want to purchase must be a number."); return; } else if (seats <= 0) { alert("The number of seats you want must be greater than zero."); return; } var productId = ""; if (selectedProduct == "fusion") { productId = "279661674"; } else if (selectedProduct == "workstation") { productId = "302167489"; } else { alert("Unknown product selected. Please refresh and try again."); return; } window.location = "http://shopify.hashicorp.com/cart/" + productId + ":" + seats; }); if ($("#buy-fusion").length > 0) { setSelectedProduct(); } });