require "timeout" require "log4r" require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/silence_warnings" Vagrant::Util::SilenceWarnings.silence! do require "winrm" end require "winrm-fs" module VagrantPlugins module CommunicatorWinRM class WinRMShell include Vagrant::Util::Retryable # These are the exceptions that we retry because they represent # errors that are generally fixed from a retry and don't # necessarily represent immediate failure cases. @@exceptions_to_retry_on = [ HTTPClient::KeepAliveDisconnected, WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError, WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError, Errno::EACCES, Errno::EADDRINUSE, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Timeout::Error ] attr_reader :logger attr_reader :host attr_reader :port attr_reader :username attr_reader :password attr_reader :config def initialize(host, port, config) @logger ="vagrant::communication::winrmshell") @logger.debug("initializing WinRMShell") @host = host @port = port @username = config.username @password = config.password @config = config end def powershell(command, &block) # ensure an exit code command << "\r\n" command << "if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }" execute_shell(command, :powershell, &block) end def cmd(command, &block) execute_shell(command, :cmd, &block) end def wql(query, &block) execute_shell(query, :wql, &block) end def upload(from, to) file_manager = file_manager.upload(from, to) end def download(from, to) file_manager =, to) end protected def execute_shell(command, shell=:powershell, &block) raise Errors::WinRMInvalidShell, shell: shell unless [:powershell, :cmd, :wql].include?(shell) begin execute_shell_with_retry(command, shell, &block) rescue => e raise_winrm_exception(e, shell, command) end end def execute_shell_with_retry(command, shell, &block) retryable(tries: @config.max_tries, on: @@exceptions_to_retry_on, sleep: @config.retry_delay) do @logger.debug("#{shell} executing:\n#{command}") output = session.send(shell, command) do |out, err|, out) if block_given? && out, err) if block_given? && err end @logger.debug("Output: #{output.inspect}") # Verify that we didn't get a parser error, and if so we should # set the exit code to 1. Parse errors return exit code 0 so we # need to do this. if output[:exitcode] == 0 (output[:data] || []).each do |data| next if !data[:stderr] if data[:stderr].include?("ParserError") @logger.warn("Detected ParserError, setting exit code to 1") output[:exitcode] = 1 break end end end return output end end def raise_winrm_exception(exception, shell = nil, command = nil) case exception when WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError raise Errors::AuthenticationFailed, user: @config.username, password: @config.password, endpoint: endpoint, message: exception.message when WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError raise Errors::ExecutionError, shell: shell, command: command, message: exception.message when OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError raise Errors::SSLError, message: exception.message when HTTPClient::TimeoutError raise Errors::ConnectionTimeout, message: exception.message when Errno::ECONNREFUSED # This is raised if we failed to connect the max amount of times raise Errors::ConnectionRefused when Errno::ECONNRESET # This is raised if we failed to connect the max number of times # due to an ECONNRESET. raise Errors::ConnectionReset when Errno::EHOSTDOWN # This is raised if we get an ICMP DestinationUnknown error. raise Errors::HostDown when Errno::EHOSTUNREACH # This is raised if we can't work out how to route traffic. raise Errors::NoRoute else raise Errors::ExecutionError, shell: shell, command: command, message: exception.message end end def new_session"Attempting to connect to WinRM...")" - Host: #{@host}")" - Port: #{@port}")" - Username: #{@config.username}")" - Transport: #{@config.transport}") client =, @config.transport.to_sym, endpoint_options) client.set_timeout(@config.timeout) client.toggle_nori_type_casting(:off) #we don't want coersion of types client end def session @session ||= new_session end def endpoint case @config.transport.to_sym when :ssl "https://#{@host}:#{@port}/wsman" when :plaintext "http://#{@host}:#{@port}/wsman" else raise Errors::WinRMInvalidTransport, transport: @config.transport end end def endpoint_options { user: @username, pass: @password, host: @host, port: @port, basic_auth_only: true, no_ssl_peer_verification: !@config.ssl_peer_verification } end end #WinShell class end end