require_relative "../../../base" require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/pushes/heroku/push") describe VagrantPlugins::HerokuPush::Push do include_context "unit" before(:all) do I18n.load_path << Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/pushes/heroku/locales/en.yml") I18n.reload! end let(:env) { isolated_environment } let(:config) do double("config", app: "bacon", dir: "lib", git_bin: "git", remote: "heroku", branch: "master", ) end subject {, config) } describe "#push" do let(:root_path) { "/handy/dandy" } let(:dir) { "#{root_path}/#{config.dir}" } before do allow(subject).to receive(:verify_git_bin!) allow(subject).to receive(:verify_git_repo!) allow(subject).to receive(:has_git_remote?) allow(subject).to receive(:add_heroku_git_remote) allow(subject).to receive(:git_push_heroku) allow(subject).to receive(:execute!) allow(env).to receive(:root_path) .and_return(root_path) end it "verifies the git bin is present" do expect(subject).to receive(:verify_git_bin!) .with(config.git_bin) subject.push end it "verifies the directory is a git repo" do expect(subject).to receive(:verify_git_repo!) .with(dir) subject.push end context "when the heroku remote exists" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:has_git_remote?) .and_return(true) end it "does not add the heroku remote" do expect(subject).to_not receive(:add_heroku_git_remote) subject.push end end context "when the heroku remote does not exist" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:has_git_remote?) .and_return(false) end it "adds the heroku remote" do expect(subject).to receive(:add_heroku_git_remote) .with(config.remote,, dir) subject.push end end it "pushes to heroku" do expect(subject).to receive(:git_push_heroku) .with(config.remote, config.branch, dir) subject.push end end describe "#verify_git_bin!" do context "when git does not exist" do before do allow(Vagrant::Util::Which).to receive(:which) .with("git") .and_return(nil) end it "raises an exception" do expect { subject.verify_git_bin!("git") } .to raise_error(VagrantPlugins::HerokuPush::Errors::GitNotFound) { |error| expect(error.message).to eq(I18n.t("heroku_push.errors.git_not_found", bin: "git", )) } end end context "when git exists" do before do allow(Vagrant::Util::Which).to receive(:which) .with("git") .and_return("git") end it "does not raise an exception" do expect { subject.verify_git_bin!("git") }.to_not raise_error end end end describe "#verify_git_repo!" do context "when the path is a git repo" do before do allow(File).to receive(:directory?) .with("/repo/path/.git") .and_return(false) end it "raises an exception" do expect { subject.verify_git_repo!("/repo/path") } .to raise_error(VagrantPlugins::HerokuPush::Errors::NotAGitRepo) { |error| expect(error.message).to eq(I18n.t("heroku_push.errors.not_a_git_repo", path: "/repo/path", )) } end end context "when the path is not a git repo" do before do allow(File).to receive(:directory?) .with("/repo/path/.git") .and_return(true) end it "does not raise an exception" do expect { subject.verify_git_repo!("/repo/path") }.to_not raise_error end end end describe "#git_push_heroku" do let(:dir) { "." } before { allow(subject).to receive(:execute!) } it "executes the proper command" do expect(subject).to receive(:execute!) .with("git", "--git-dir", "#{dir}/.git", "--work-tree", dir, "push", "bacon", "hamlet", ) subject.git_push_heroku("bacon", "hamlet", dir) end end describe "#has_git_remote?" do let(:dir) { "." } let(:process) do double("process", stdout: "origin\r\nbacon\nhello" ) end before do allow(subject).to receive(:execute!) .and_return(process) end it "executes the proper command" do expect(subject).to receive(:execute!) .with("git", "--git-dir", "#{dir}/.git", "--work-tree", dir, "remote", ) subject.has_git_remote?("bacon", dir) end it "returns true when the remote exists" do expect(subject.has_git_remote?("origin", dir)).to be(true) expect(subject.has_git_remote?("bacon", dir)).to be(true) expect(subject.has_git_remote?("hello", dir)).to be(true) end it "returns false when the remote does not exist" do expect(subject.has_git_remote?("nope", dir)).to be(false) end end describe "#add_heroku_git_remote" do let(:dir) { "." } before do allow(subject).to receive(:execute!) allow(subject).to receive(:heroku_git_url) .with("app") .and_return("HEROKU_URL") end it "executes the proper command" do expect(subject).to receive(:execute!) .with("git", "--git-dir", "#{dir}/.git", "--work-tree", dir, "remote", "add", "bacon", "HEROKU_URL", ) subject.add_heroku_git_remote("bacon", "app", dir) end end describe "#heroku_git_url" do it "returns the proper string" do expect(subject.heroku_git_url("bacon")) .to eq("") end end describe "#git_dir" do it "returns the .git directory for the path" do expect(subject.git_dir("/path")).to eq("/path/.git") end end describe "#execute!" do let(:exit_code) { 0 } let(:stdout) { "This is the output" } let(:stderr) { "This is the errput" } let(:process) do double("process", exit_code: exit_code, stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, ) end before do allow(Vagrant::Util::Subprocess).to receive(:execute) .and_return(process) end it "creates a subprocess" do expect(Vagrant::Util::Subprocess).to receive(:execute) expect { subject.execute! }.to_not raise_error end it "returns the resulting process" do expect(subject.execute!).to be(process) end context "when the exit code is non-zero" do let(:exit_code) { 1 } it "raises an exception" do klass = VagrantPlugins::HerokuPush::Errors::CommandFailed cmd = ["foo", "bar"] expect { subject.execute!(*cmd) }.to raise_error(klass) { |error| expect(error.message).to eq(I18n.t("heroku_push.errors.command_failed", cmd: cmd.join(" "), stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, )) } end end end end