{% macro auth() %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro cancel_pending_build(cancel_url, authz, short=False, id='all') %} {% if not short or not authz.needAuthForm('cancelPendingBuild') %}
{% if not short %} {% if on_all %}

To cancel all builds, fill out the following fields and push the 'Cancel' button

{% else %}

To cancel this build, fill out the following fields and push the 'Cancel' button

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if authz.needAuthForm('cancelPendingBuild') %} {{ auth() }} {% elif not short %}

To cancel individual builds, click the 'Cancel' buttons above.

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro stop_change_builds(stopchange_url, changenum, authz) %} {% if not changenum or not authz.needAuthForm('stopChange') %}
{% if changenum %}

To cancel all builds for this change, push the 'Cancel' button

{% else %}

To cancel builds for this builder for a given change, fill out all fields and push the 'Cancel' button

{% endif %} {% if authz.needAuthForm('cancelPendingBuild') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %} {% if changenum %} {% else %}
Change #:
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro stop_build(stop_url, authz, on_all=False, on_selected=False, builders=[], short=False, label="Build") %} {% if not short or not authz.needAuthForm('stopBuild') %}
{% if not short %} {% if on_all %}

To stop all builds, fill out the following field and push the Stop {{ label }} button

{% elif on_selected %}

To stop selected builds, select the builders, fill out the following field and push the Stop {{ label }} button

{% for b in builders %} {% endfor %}
{{ b.name|e }}
{% else %}

To stop this build, fill out the following field and push the Stop {{ label }} button

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if authz.needAuthForm('stopBuild') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %} {% if not short %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro force_build(force_url, authz, on_all=False, on_selected=False, builders=[]) %}
{% if on_all %}

To force a build on all Builders, fill out the following fields and push the 'Force Build' button

{% elif on_selected %}

To force a build on certain Builders, select the builders, fill out the following fields and push the 'Force Build' button

{% for b in builders %} {% endfor %}
{{ b.name|e }}
{% else %}

To force a build, fill out the following fields and push the 'Force Build' button

{% endif %} {% if authz.needAuthForm('forceBuild') %} {{ auth() }} {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro graceful_shutdown(shutdown_url, authz) %}

To cause this slave to shut down gracefully when it is idle, push the 'Graceful Shutdown' button

{% if authz.needAuthForm('gracefulShutdown') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro clean_shutdown(shutdown_url, authz) %}

To cause this master to shut down cleanly, push the 'Clean Shutdown' button.

No other builds will be started on this master, and the master will stop once all current builds are finished.

{% if authz.needAuthForm('gracefulShutdown') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro cancel_clean_shutdown(cancel_shutdown_url, authz) %}

To cancel a previously initiated shutdown, push the 'Cancel Shutdown' button.

{% if authz.needAuthForm('gracefulShutdown') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro ping_builder(ping_url, authz) %}

To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button

{% if authz.needAuthForm('gracefulShutdown') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro rebuild_build(rebuild_url, authz, exactly, ss) %}
{% if exactly %}

This tree was built from a specific set of source files, and can be rebuilt exactly

{% else %}

This tree was built from the most recent revision {% if ss.branch %} (along branch {{ ss.branch }}) {% endif %} and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it exactly.
Any changes that have been committed after this build was started will be included in a rebuild.

{% endif %} {% if on_all %}

To force a build on all Builders, fill out the following fields and push the 'Force Build' button

{% else %}

To force a build, fill out the following fields and push the 'Force Build' button

{% endif %} {% if authz.needAuthForm('forceBuild') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro show_users(users_url, authz) %}

To show users, press the 'Show Users' button

{% if authz.needAuthForm('showUsersPage') %} {{ auth() }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}