require 'tempfile' require "vagrant/util/template_renderer" require_relative "../installer" module VagrantPlugins module Chef module Provisioner # This class is a base class where the common functionality shared between # chef-solo and chef-client provisioning are stored. This is **not an actual # provisioner**. Instead, {ChefSolo} or {ChefServer} should be used. class Base < Vagrant.plugin("2", :provisioner) class ChefError < Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError error_namespace("vagrant.provisioners.chef") end def initialize(machine, config) super @logger ="vagrant::provisioners::chef") if @config.node_name.to_s.empty? cache = @machine.data_dir.join("chef_node_name") if !cache.exist? I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.chef.generating_node_name")"w+") do |f| f.write("vagrant-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}") end end if cache.file?"Loading cached node_name...") @config.node_name = end end end def install_chef return if !config.install"Checking for Chef installation...") installer =, force: config.install == :force, version: config.version, prerelease: config.prerelease, download_path: config.installer_download_path ) installer.ensure_installed end def verify_binary(binary) # Checks for the existence of chef binary and error if it # doesn't exist. if windows? command = "if ((&'#{binary}' -v) -Match 'Chef: *'){ exit 0 } else { exit 1 }" else command = "sh -c 'command -v #{binary}'" end @machine.communicate.sudo( command, error_class: ChefError, error_key: :chef_not_detected, binary: binary, ) end # Returns the path to the Chef binary, taking into account the # `binary_path` configuration option. def chef_binary_path(binary) return binary if !@config.binary_path return File.join(@config.binary_path, binary) end def chown_provisioning_folder paths = [ guest_provisioning_path, guest_file_backup_path, guest_file_cache_path, ] @machine.communicate.tap do |comm| paths.each do |path| if windows? comm.sudo("mkdir ""#{path}"" -f") else comm.sudo("mkdir -p #{path}") comm.sudo("chown -h #{@machine.ssh_info[:username]} #{path}") end end end end def setup_config(template, filename, template_vars) # If we have custom configuration, upload it remote_custom_config_path = nil if @config.custom_config_path expanded = File.expand_path( @config.custom_config_path, @machine.env.root_path) remote_custom_config_path = File.join( guest_provisioning_path, "custom-config.rb") @machine.communicate.upload(expanded, remote_custom_config_path) end config_file = Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render(template, { custom_configuration: remote_custom_config_path, encrypted_data_bag_secret: guest_encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path, environment: @config.environment, file_cache_path: guest_file_cache_path, file_backup_path: guest_file_backup_path, log_level: @config.log_level.to_sym, node_name: @config.node_name, verbose_logging: @config.verbose_logging, enable_reporting: @config.enable_reporting, http_proxy: @config.http_proxy, http_proxy_user: @config.http_proxy_user, http_proxy_pass: @config.http_proxy_pass, https_proxy: @config.https_proxy, https_proxy_user: @config.https_proxy_user, https_proxy_pass: @config.https_proxy_pass, no_proxy: @config.no_proxy, formatter: @config.formatter }.merge(template_vars)) # Create a temporary file to store the data so we # can upload it temp ="vagrant") temp.write(config_file) temp.close remote_file = File.join(guest_provisioning_path, filename) @machine.communicate.tap do |comm| comm.sudo("rm -f #{remote_file}", error_check: false) comm.upload(temp.path, remote_file) end end def setup_json I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.chef.json") # Get the JSON that we're going to expose to Chef json = @config.json json[:run_list] = @config.run_list if @config.run_list && !@config.run_list.empty? json = JSON.pretty_generate(json) # Create a temporary file to store the data so we # can upload it temp ="vagrant") temp.write(json) temp.close remote_file = File.join(guest_provisioning_path, "dna.json") @machine.communicate.tap do |comm| if windows? command = "if (test-path '#{remote_file}') {rm '#{remote_file}' -force -recurse}" else command = "rm -f #{remote_file}" end comm.sudo(command, error_check: false) comm.upload(temp.path, remote_file) end end def upload_encrypted_data_bag_secret remote_file = guest_encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path return if !remote_file I18n.t( "vagrant.provisioners.chef.upload_encrypted_data_bag_secret_key") @machine.communicate.tap do |comm| if windows? command = "if (test-path ""#{remote_file}"") {rm ""#{remote_file}"" -force -recurse}" else command = "rm -f #{remote_file}" end comm.sudo(command, error_check: false) comm.upload(encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path, remote_file) end end def delete_encrypted_data_bag_secret remote_file = guest_encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path if remote_file if windows? command = "if (test-path ""#{remote_file}"") {rm ""#{remote_file}"" -force -recurse}" else command = "rm -f #{remote_file}" end @machine.communicate.sudo(command, error_check: false) end end def encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path File.expand_path(@config.encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path, @machine.env.root_path) end def guest_encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path if @config.encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path File.join(guest_provisioning_path, "encrypted_data_bag_secret_key") end end def guest_provisioning_path if !@config.provisioning_path.nil? return @config.provisioning_path end if windows? "C:/vagrant-chef" else "/tmp/vagrant-chef" end end def guest_file_backup_path if !@config.file_backup_path.nil? return @config.file_backup_path end if windows? "C:/chef/backup" else "/var/chef/backup" end end def guest_file_cache_path if !@config.file_cache_path.nil? return @config.file_cache_path end if windows? "C:/chef/cache" else "/var/chef/cache" end end def windows? @machine.config.vm.communicator == :winrm end end end end end