begin require File.expand_path('../.bundle/environment', __FILE__) rescue LoadError # Fallback on doing the resolve at runtime. require "rubygems" require "bundler" Bundler.setup end # This silences logger output ENV['VAGRANT_ENV'] = 'test' # ruby-debug, not necessary, but useful if we have it begin require 'ruby-debug' rescue LoadError; end require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'vagrant') require 'contest' require 'mocha' class Test::Unit::TestCase def mock_config Vagrant::Config.instance_variable_set(:@config_runners, nil) Vagrant::Config.instance_variable_set(:@config, nil) do |config| config.dotfile_name = ".hobo" config.ssh.username = "foo" config.ssh.password = "bar" = "baz" config.ssh.forwarded_port_key = "ssh" config.ssh.max_tries = 10 config.vm.base = "foo" config.vm.base_mac = "42" config.vm.project_directory = "/hobo" config.vm.forward_port("ssh", 22, 2222) config.chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks" config.chef.provisioning_path = "/tmp/hobo-chef" config.chef.json = { :recipes => ["hobo_main"] } end Vagrant::Config.execute! end end