# Using YAMLs Block Literals to preserve new lines # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Newlines_preserved # In short, | means keep new lines, trim whitespace left and right # The |- does the above, but trims the new line at the end of all text #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATEGORY: Status Messages #--------------------------------------------------------------------- :status_listing: |- This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs will be listed below with a short status. For more detailed information about a VM, run `vagrant status NAME`. :status_no_environment: |- No vagrant environment detected. Run `vagrant init` to setup a Vagrantfile in the current directory to get started with Vagrant. :status_not_created: |- The environment has not yet been created. Run `vagrant up` to create the environment. :status_created: |- The environment has been created. The status of the current environment's virtual machine is: "<%= vm_state %>" <%= additional_message %> :status_created_running: |- To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again, simply run a `vagrant up`. :status_created_saved: |- To resume this VM, simply run `vagrant up`. :status_created_powered_off: |- To restart this VM, simply run `vagrant up`. :status_global: |- Below is a list of virtual machines which are currently created and were created by a Vagrant environment. The path listed was the "last known path" of the environment (it may have moved). <%= entries.join("\n\n") %> :status_global_entry: |- Name: <%= vm.vm.name %> Path: <%= data["path"] %> Created at: <%= Time.at(data["created_at"]) %> #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATEGORY: Warning Messages #--------------------------------------------------------------------- :vm_additions_not_detected: |- WARNING! No guest additions were detected on the base box for this VM! Guest additions are required for forwarded ports, shared folders, host only networking, and more. If SSH fails on this machine, please install the guest additions and repackage the box to continue. :vm_additions_version_mismatch: |- WARNING! The guest additions on this VM do not match the install version of VirtualBox! This often causes things such as forwared ports, shared folders, and more to not work properly. If any of those things fail on this machine, please update the guest additions and repackage the box. Guest Additions Version: <%= guest_additions_version %> VirtualBox Version: <%= virtualbox_version %> #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATEGORY: Error Messages #--------------------------------------------------------------------- :box_already_exists: |- This box appears to already exist! Please call `vagrant box remove <%= box_name %>` and then try to add it again. :box_add_already_exists: |- A box with the name '<%= box_name %>' already exists, please use another name or use `vagrant box remove <%= box_name %>` :box_download_unknown_type: |- Unknown URI type for box download. :box_file_exists: |- The specified output file for packaging already exists. Please move the file or modify the output filename parameter then try to package again. Specified output file: <%= output_file %> :box_remove_doesnt_exist: |- The box you're attempting to remove does not exist! :box_specified_doesnt_exist: |- Specified box `<%= box_name %>` does not exist! The box must be added through the `vagrant box add` command. Please view the documentation associated with the command for more information. :box_verification_failed: |- The specified box is invalid. This can commonly be attributed to incorrectly typing in the path to the box or invalid packaging of the box. :box_not_specified: |- No base box was specified! A base box is required as a staring point for every vagrant virtual machine. Please specify one in your Vagrantfile using `config.vm.box` :chef_base_invalid_provisioner: |- Vagrant::Provisioners::Chef is not a valid provisioner! Use ChefSolo or ChefServer instead. :chef_server_url_required: |- Chef server provisioning requires that the `config.chef.chef_server_url` be set to the URL of your chef server. Examples include "" and "http://myserver.com:4000" (the port of course can be different, but 4000 is the default) :chef_server_validation_key_required: |- Chef server provisioning requires that the `config.chef.validation_key_path` configuration be set to a path on your local machine of the validation key used to register the VM with the chef server. :chef_server_validation_key_doesnt_exist: |- The validation key set for `config.chef.validation_key_path` does not exist! This file needs to exist so it can be uploaded to the virtual machine. It is currently set to "<%= Vagrant.config.chef.validation_key_path %>" :chef_not_detected: |- The `<%= binary %>` binary appears to not be in the PATH of the guest. This could be because the PATH is not properly setup or perhaps chef is not installed on this guest. Chef provisioning can not continue without chef properly installed. :command_box_invalid: |- Please specify a valid action to take on the boxes, either `add` or `remove`. Examples: vagrant box add name uri vagrant box remove name vagrant box list :dotfile_error: |- The dotfile which Vagrant uses to store the UUID of the project's virtual machine already exists and is not a file! The dotfile is currently configured to be `<%= env.dotfile_path %>` To change this value, please see `config.vagrant.dotfile_name` Are you trying to use Vagrant from your home directory? This is the leading cause of this error message. To resolve this, simply use a different directory. Or, if you really want to run Vagrant from your home directory, modify the `config.vagrant.dotfile_name` configuration key. :downloader_file_doesnt_exist: |- The given box does not exist on the file system: <%= source_url %> :environment_not_created: |- The task you're trying to run requires that the vagrant environment already be created, but unfortunately this vagrant still appears to have no box! You can setup the environment by setting up your <%= Vagrant::Environment::ROOTFILE_NAME %> and running `vagrant up` :nfs_host_required: |- A host class is required for NFS shared folders. By default, these are auto-detected, but can be overriden with `config.vagrant.host`. There is currently not host class loaded. :nfs_not_supported: |- The host class is reporting that NFS is not supported by this host, or `nfsd` may not be installed. Please verify that `nfsd` is installed on your machine, and retry. :nfs_no_host_network: |- NFS shared folders requires that host only networking is enabled. Please enable host only networking via `config.vm.network`. :network_not_found: |- The specified host network could not be found: <%= name %>. If the name specification is removed, Vagrant will create a new host only network for you. Alternatively, please create the specified network manually. :network_collides: |- The specified host network collides with a non-hostonly network! This will cause your specified IP to be inaccessible. Please change the IP or name of your host only network to not match that of a bridged or non-hostonly network. :package_include_file_doesnt_exist: |- File specified to include: '<%= filename %>' does not exist! :package_multivm: |- Because this Vagrant environment represents multiple VMs, a specific VM must be specified. This can be done by calling `vagrant package NAME` where NAME is a valid VM represented by your Vagrantfile. :package_requires_export: |- Package must be used in conjunction with export. :provisioner_invalid_class: |- Provisioners must be an instance of Vagrant::Provisioners::Base :provisioner_unknown_type: |- Unknown provisioner type: <%= provisioner %> :rootfile_already_exists: |- It looks like this directory is already setup for vagrant! (A <%= Vagrant::Environment::ROOTFILE_NAME %> already exists.) :rootfile_not_found: |- A `<%= Vagrant::Environment::ROOTFILE_NAME %>` was not found! This file is required for vagrant to run since it describes the expected environment that vagrant is supposed to manage. Please create a `<%= Vagrant::Environment::ROOTFILE_NAME %>` and place it in your project root. :ssh_bad_permissions: |- The private key to connect to this box via SSH has invalid permissions set on it. The permissions of the private key should be set to 0600, otherwise SSH will ignore the key. Vagrant tried to do this automatically for you but failed. Please set the permissions on the following file to 0600 and then try running this command again: <%= key_path %> :ssh_bad_exit_status: |- The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! <%= command %> :ssh_unavailable_windows: |- `vagrant ssh` isn't available on the Windows platform. The vagrant.ppk file is available at <%= key_path %>.ppk for use with Putty. To do this create a new Putty session for `vagrant@localhost` on port `<%= ssh_port %>`, in the Connection>SSH>Auth configuration section navigate to the vagrant.ppk file, select it, save the session for later use, and connect. For a more detailed guide please consult: http://vagrantup.com/docs/getting-started/windows.html :ssh_multivm: |- Because this Vagrant environment represents multiple VMs, a specific VM must be specified. This can be done by calling `vagrant ssh NAME` where NAME is a valid VM represented by your Vagrantfile. Alternatively, if you mark one of your VMs as 'primary,' then Vagrant will default to that VM. This can be done by specifying `:primary => true` when defining the VM. Example: config.vm.define(:foo, :primary => true) do |config| ... end :ssh_config_multivm: |- Because this Vagrant environment represents multiple VMs, a specific VM must be specified. This can be done by calling `vagrant ssh-config NAME` where NAME is a valid VM represented by your Vagrantfile. :system_invalid_class: |- The specified system does not inherit from `Vagrant::Systems::Base`. The specified system class must inherit from this class. The specified system class was: <%= system %> :system_unknown_type: |- The specified system type is unknown: <%= system %>. Please change this to a proper value. :system_unspecified: |- A VM system type must be specified! This is done via the `config.vm.system` configuration value. Please read the documentation online for more information. :unison_not_found: |- The `unison` binary was not found on the guest machine. This is required for folder syncing via unison. Please install unison on your system to use folder syncing. You may also disable folder syncing, install unison, re-enable syncing, then call a `vagrant reload` to enable syncing. :unknown_vm: |- The specified VM could not be found: <%= vm %> :virtualbox_import_failure: |- The VM import failed! Try running `VBoxManage import` on the box file manually for more verbose error output. :virtualbox_invalid_version: |- Vagrant has detected that you have VirtualBox version <%= version %> installed! Vagrant requires that you use at least VirtualBox version 3.2. Please install a more recent version of VirtualBox to continue. :virtualbox_not_detected: |- Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed. If VirtualBox is installed, it may be an incorrect version. Vagrant currently only supports VirtualBox 3.1.x. Please install the proper version to continue. :virtualbox_invalid_ose: |- Vagrant has detected you're using an OSE ("Open Source Edition") of VirtualBox. Vagrant currently doesn't support any of the OSE editions due to slight API differences. Please download the regular package from virtualbox.org and install to continue. :vm_failed_to_boot: |- Failed to connect to VM! Failed to boot? :vm_base_not_found: |- The specified base VM "<%= name %>" was not found. :vm_not_running_for_suspend: |- The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to suspend must be running to be suspended. :vm_not_suspended: |- The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to resume is not in a suspended state. :vm_port_auto_empty: |- Vagrant found a port collision for the specified port and virtual machine. While this port was marked to be auto-corrected, the ports in the auto-correction range are all also used. VM: <%= vm_name %> Forwarded port: <%= name %> (<%= options[:guestport] %> => <%= options[:hostport] %>) :vm_port_collision: |- Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they would collide with another VirtualBox virtual machine's forwarded ports! The "<%= name %>" forwarded port (<%= hostport %>) is already in use on the host machine. To fix this, modify your current projects Vagrantfile to use another port. Example, where '1234' would be replaced by a unique host port: config.vm.forward_port("<%= name %>", <%= guestport %>, 1234) :vm_power_off_to_move_hd: |- The virtual machine must be powered off to move its disk. :vm_power_off_to_package: |- The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to package must be powered off. :vm_mount_fail: |- Failed to mount shared folders. vboxsf was not available. :vm_ssh_auth_failed: |- SSH authentication failed! While this could be due to a variety of reasons, the two most common are: private key path is incorrect or you're using a box which was built for Vagrant 0.1.x. Vagrant 0.2.x dropped support for password-based authentication. If you're tring to `vagrant up` a box which does not support Vagrant's private/public keypair, then this error will be raised. To resolve this, read the guide on converting base boxes from password-based to keypairs here: http://vagrantup.com/docs/converting_password_to_key_ssh.html If the box was built for 0.2.x and contains a custom public key, perhaps the path to the private key is incorrect. Check your `config.ssh.private_key_path`. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATEGORY: Error Messages for Linux System #--------------------------------------------------------------------- :network_not_debian: |- Host only networking is only supported for Debian/Ubuntu by the built-in "Linux" system. If you're using some other distro and want to implement host only networking, please subclass the `Vagrant::Systems::Linux` class and implement the `prepare_host_only_network` and `enable_host_only_network` methods. Otherwise, please report your distro and how to modify network interfaces to the Vagrant mailing list or IRC and we'll probably be glad to add it to the internal systems.