require "log4r" module VagrantPlugins module GuestWindows module Cap module ChangeHostName def self.change_host_name(machine, name) change_host_name_and_wait(machine, name, machine.config.vm.graceful_halt_timeout) end def self.change_host_name_and_wait(machine, name, sleep_timeout) # If the configured name matches the current name, then bail # We cannot use %ComputerName% because it truncates at 15 chars return if machine.communicate.test("if ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName() -eq '#{name}') { exit 0 } exit 1") # Rename and reboot host if rename succeeded script = <<-EOH $computer = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem $retval = $computer.rename("#{name}").returnvalue exit $retval EOH machine.communicate.execute( script, error_class: Errors::RenameComputerFailed, error_key: :rename_computer_failed) machine.guest.capability(:reboot) end end end end end