    choose_switch: |-
      Please choose a switch to attach to your Hyper-V instance.
      If none of these are appropriate, please open the Hyper-V manager
      to create a new virtual switch.
    message_already_running: |-
      Hyper-V instance already running.
    message_not_created: |-
      VM not created. Moving on...
    message_not_running: |-
      Hyper-V machine isn't running. Can't SSH in!

      admin_required: |-
        The Hyper-V provider requires that Vagrant be run with
        administrative privileges. This is a limitation of Hyper-V itself.
        Hyper-V requires administrative privileges for management
        commands. Please restart your console with administrative
        privileges and try again.
      box_invalid: |-
        The box you're using with the Hyper-V provider ('%{name}')
        is invalid. A Hyper-V box should contain both a
        "Virtual Machines" and a "Virtual Hard Disks" folder that are
        created as part of exporting a Hyper-V machine.

        Within these directories, Vagrant expects to find the
        virtual machine configuration as well as the root hard disk.

        The box you're attempting to use is missing one or both of
        these directories or does not contain the files expected. Verify
        that you added the correct box. If this problem persists,
        please contact the creator of the box for assistance.
      ip_addr_timeout: |-
        Hyper-V failed to determine your machine's IP address within the
        configured timeout. Please verify the machine properly booted and
        the network works. To do this, open the Hyper-V manager, find your
        virtual machine, and connect to it.

        The most common cause for this error is that the running virtual
        machine doesn't have the latest Hyper-V integration drivers. Please
        research for your operating system how to install these in order
        for the VM to properly communicate its IP address to Hyper-V.
      no_switches: |-
        There are no virtual switches created for Hyper-V! Please open
        the Hyper-V Manager, go to the "Virtual Switch Manager", and create
        at least one virtual switch.

        A virtual switch is required for Vagrant to create a Hyper-V
        machine that is connected to a network so it can access it.

        For more help, please see the documentation on the Vagrant website
        for Hyper-V.
      powershell_features_disabled: |-
        The Hyper-V cmdlets for PowerShell are not available! Vagrant
        requires these to control Hyper-V. Please enable them in the
        "Windows Features" control panel and try again.
      powershell_error: |-
        An error occurred while executing a PowerShell script. This error
        is shown below. Please read the error message and see if this is
        a configuration error with your system. If it is not, then please
        report a bug.

        Script: %{script}

      powershell_required: |-
        The Vagrant Hyper-V provider requires PowerShell to be available.
        Please make sure "powershell.exe" is available on your PATH.
      windows_required: |-
        The Hyper-V provider only works on Windows. Please try to
        use another provider.