require "vagrant/util" require "vagrant/util/shell_quote" require "vagrant/util/retryable" module VagrantPlugins module HostLinux module Cap class NFS extend Vagrant::Util::Retryable def self.nfs_apply_command(env) "exportfs -ar" end def self.nfs_check_command(env) "/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server status" end def self.nfs_start_command(env) "/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start" end def self.nfs_export(env, ui, id, ips, folders) # Get some values we need before we do anything nfs_apply_command = nfs_check_command = nfs_start_command = nfs_opts_setup(folders) output = Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render('nfs/exports_linux', uuid: id, ips: ips, folders: folders, user: Process.uid) I18n.t("vagrant.hosts.linux.nfs_export") sleep 0.5 nfs_cleanup(id) # Only use "sudo" if we can't write to /etc/exports directly sudo_command = "" sudo_command = "sudo " if !File.writable?("/etc/exports") output.split("\n").each do |line| line = Vagrant::Util::ShellQuote.escape(line, "'") system(%Q[echo '#{line}' | #{sudo_command}tee -a /etc/exports >/dev/null]) end if nfs_running?(nfs_check_command) system("sudo #{nfs_apply_command}") else system("sudo #{nfs_start_command}") end end def self.nfs_installed(environment) retryable(tries: 10, on: TypeError) do # Check procfs to see if NFSd is a supported filesystem system("cat /proc/filesystems | grep nfsd > /dev/null 2>&1") end end def self.nfs_prune(environment, ui, valid_ids) return if !File.exist?("/etc/exports") logger ="vagrant::hosts::linux")"Pruning invalid NFS entries...") output = false user = Process.uid"/etc/exports").lines.each do |line| if id = line[/^# VAGRANT-BEGIN:( #{user})? ([\.\/A-Za-z0-9\-_:]+?)$/, 2] if valid_ids.include?(id) logger.debug("Valid ID: #{id}") else if !output # We want to warn the user but we only want to output once I18n.t("vagrant.hosts.linux.nfs_prune") output = true end"Invalid ID, pruning: #{id}") nfs_cleanup(id) end end end end protected def self.nfs_cleanup(id) return if !File.exist?("/etc/exports") # Only use "sudo" if we can't write to /etc/exports directly sudo_command = "" sudo_command = "sudo " if !File.writable?("/etc/exports") # Strip out the block of code which was inserted by Vagrant user = Regexp.escape(Process.uid.to_s) id = Regexp.escape(id.to_s) exports_in ='/etc/exports') exports_out = exports_in.gsub(%r{ ^\#\ VAGRANT-BEGIN:((?:\ #{user})?\ #{id})$ .*? ^\#\ VAGRANT-END:\1$ \n? }mx, '') if exports_out != exports_in open(%Q[|#{sudo_command}tee /etc/exports >/dev/null], 'w+') do |p| p.write(exports_out) end end end def self.nfs_opts_setup(folders) folders.each do |k, opts| if !opts[:linux__nfs_options] opts[:linux__nfs_options] ||= ["rw", "no_subtree_check", "all_squash"] end # Only automatically set anonuid/anongid if they weren't # explicitly set by the user. hasgid = false hasuid = false opts[:linux__nfs_options].each do |opt| hasgid = !!(opt =~ /^anongid=/) if !hasgid hasuid = !!(opt =~ /^anonuid=/) if !hasuid end opts[:linux__nfs_options] << "anonuid=#{opts[:map_uid]}" if !hasuid opts[:linux__nfs_options] << "anongid=#{opts[:map_gid]}" if !hasgid opts[:linux__nfs_options] << "fsid=#{opts[:uuid]}" end end def self.nfs_running?(check_command) system(check_command) end end end end end