      missing_attribute: |-
        Missing required attribute '%{attribute}'. The Vagrant Atlas Push plugin
        requires you set this attribute. Please set this attribute in your
        Vagrantfile, for example:

            config.push.define "atlas" do |push|
              push.%{attribute} = "..."
      missing_token: |-
        Missing required configuration parameter 'token'. This is required for
        Vagrant to securely communicate with your Atlas account.

        To generate an access token, run 'vagrant login'.
      uploader_not_found: |-
        Vagrant was unable to find the Atlas uploader CLI. If your Vagrantfile
        specifies the path explicitly with "uploader_path", then make sure that
        path is valid. Otherwise, make sure that you have a valid install of
        Vagrant. If you installed Vagrant outside of the official installers,
        the "atlas-upload" binary must exist on your PATH.