require "digest/md5" require "json" require "log4r" require "vagrant/util/platform" require "vagrant/util/powershell" module VagrantPlugins module SyncedFolderSMB class SyncedFolder < Vagrant.plugin("2", :synced_folder) def initialize(*args) super @logger ="vagrant::synced_folders::smb") @creds = {} end def usable?(machine, raise_error=false) if ! raise Errors::WindowsHostRequired if raise_error return false end if !Vagrant::Util::Platform.windows_admin? raise Errors::WindowsAdminRequired if raise_error return false end psv = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.version.to_i if psv < 3 if raise_error raise Errors::PowershellVersion, version: psv.to_s end return false end true end def prepare(machine, folders, opts) machine.ui.output(I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.preparing")) script_path = File.expand_path("../scripts/set_share.ps1", __FILE__) # If we need auth information, then ask the user. need_auth = false folders.each do |id, data| if !data[:smb_username] || !data[:smb_password] need_auth = true break end end if need_auth machine.ui.detail(I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.warning_password") + "\n ") @creds[:username] = machine.ui.ask("Username: ") @creds[:password] = machine.ui.ask("Password (will be hidden): ", echo: false) end folders.each do |id, data| hostpath = data[:hostpath] data[:smb_id] ||= Digest::MD5.hexdigest( "#{}-#{id.gsub("/", "-")}") args = [] args << "-path" << hostpath.gsub("/", "\\") args << "-share_name" << data[:smb_id] #args << "-host_share_username" << @creds[:username] r = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path, *args) if r.exit_code != 0 raise Errors::DefineShareFailed, host: hostpath.to_s, stderr: r.stderr, stdout: r.stdout end end end def enable(machine, folders, nfsopts) machine.ui.output(I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.mounting")) # Make sure that this machine knows this dance if !machine.guest.capability?(:mount_smb_shared_folder) raise Vagrant::Errors::GuestCapabilityNotFound, cap: "mount_smb_shared_folder", guest: end # Detect the host IP for this guest if one wasn't specified # for every folder. host_ip = nil need_host_ip = false folders.each do |id, data| if !data[:smb_host] need_host_ip = true break end end if need_host_ip candidate_ips = load_host_ips @logger.debug("Potential host IPs: #{candidate_ips.inspect}") host_ip = machine.guest.capability( :choose_addressable_ip_addr, candidate_ips) if !host_ip raise Errors::NoHostIPAddr end end # This is used for defaulting the owner/group ssh_info = machine.ssh_info folders.each do |id, data| data = data.dup data[:smb_host] ||= host_ip data[:smb_username] ||= @creds[:username] data[:smb_password] ||= @creds[:password] # Default the owner/group of the folder to the SSH user data[:owner] ||= ssh_info[:username] data[:group] ||= ssh_info[:username] machine.ui.detail(I18n.t( "vagrant_sf_smb.mounting_single", host: data[:hostpath].to_s, guest: data[:guestpath].to_s)) machine.guest.capability( :mount_smb_shared_folder, data[:smb_id], data[:guestpath], data) end end def cleanup(machine, opts) end protected def load_host_ips script_path = File.expand_path("../scripts/host_info.ps1", __FILE__) r = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path) if r.exit_code != 0 raise Errors::PowershellError, script: script_path, stderr: r.stderr end JSON.parse(r.stdout)["ip_addresses"] end =begin def mount_shared_folders_to_windows result = @env[:machine].provider.driver.execute('host_info.ps1', {}) @smb_shared_folders.each do |id, data| begin options = { :share_name => data[:share_name], :guest_path => data[:guestpath].gsub("/", "\\"), :guest_ip => ssh_info[:host], :username => ssh_info[:username], :host_ip => result["host_ip"], :password => @env[:machine].provider_config.guest.password, :host_share_username => @env[:machine].provider_config.host_share.username, :host_share_password => @env[:machine].provider_config.host_share.password} @env[:ui].info("Linking #{data[:share_name]} to Guest at #{data[:guestpath]} ...") @env[:machine].provider.driver.execute('mount_share.ps1', options) rescue Error::SubprocessError => e @env[:ui].info "Failed to link #{data[:share_name]} to Guest" @env[:ui].info e.message end end end =end end end end