require "vagrant/util/subprocess" require "vagrant/util/which" require_relative "errors" module VagrantPlugins module HerokuPush class Push < Vagrant.plugin("2", :push) def push # Expand any paths relative to the root dir = File.expand_path(config.dir, env.root_path) # Verify git is installed verify_git_bin!(config.git_bin) # Verify we are operating in a git repo verify_git_repo!(dir) # Get the current branch branch = git_branch(dir) # Get the name of the app app = || interpret_app(dir) # Check if we need to add the git remote if !has_git_remote?(config.remote, dir) add_heroku_git_remote(config.remote, app, dir) end # Push to Heroku git_push_heroku(config.remote, branch, dir) end # Verify that git is installed. # @raise [Errors::GitNotFound] def verify_git_bin!(path) if Vagrant::Util::Which.which(path).nil? raise Errors::GitNotFound, bin: path end end # Verify that the given path is a git directory. # @raise [Errors::NotAGitRepo] # @param [String] def verify_git_repo!(path) if ! raise Errors::NotAGitRepo, path: path end end # Interpret the name of the Heroku application from the given path. # @param [String] path # @return [String] def interpret_app(path) File.basename(path) end # The git directory for the given path. # @param [String] path # @return [String] def git_dir(path) "#{path}/.git" end # The name of the current git branch. # @param [String] path # @return [String] def git_branch(path) result = execute!("git", "--git-dir", git_dir(path), "--work-tree", path, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", ) # Returns something like "* master" result.stdout.sub("*", "").strip end # Push to the Heroku remote. # @param [String] remote # @param [String] branch def git_push_heroku(remote, branch, path) execute!("git", "--git-dir", git_dir(path), "--work-tree", path, "push", remote, "#{branch}:master", ) end # Check if the git remote has the given remote. # @param [String] remote # @return [true, false] def has_git_remote?(remote, path) result = execute!("git", "--git-dir", git_dir(path), "--work-tree", path, "remote", ) remotes = result.stdout.split(/\r?\n/).map(&:strip) remotes.include?(remote.to_s) end # Add the Heroku to the current repository. # @param [String] remote # @param [String] app def add_heroku_git_remote(remote, app, path) execute!("git", "--git-dir", git_dir(path), "--work-tree", path, "remote", "add", remote, heroku_git_url(app), ) end # The URL for this project on Heroku. # @return [String] def heroku_git_url(app) "{app}.git" end # Execute the command, raising an exception if it fails. # @return [Vagrant::Util::Subprocess::Result] def execute!(*cmd) result = Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(*cmd) if result.exit_code != 0 raise Errors::CommandFailed, cmd: cmd.join(" "), stdout: result.stdout, stderr: result.stderr end result end end end end