## 0.6.0 (unreleased) - Exposed Vagrant test helpers in `Vagrant::TestHelpers` for plugins to easily test themselves against Vagrant environments. - **Plugins** have landed. Plugins are simply gems which have a `vagrant_init.rb` file somewhere in their load path. Please read the documentation on vagrantup.com before attempting to create a plugin (which is very easy) for more information on how it all works and also some guidelines. - `vagrant package` now takes a `--vagrantfile` option to specify a Vagrantfile to package. The `--include` approach for including a Vagrantfile no longer works (previously built boxes will continue to work). - `vagrant package` has new logic with regards to the `--include` option depending on if the file path is relative or absolute (they can be intermixed): * _Relative_ paths are copied directly into the box, preserving their path. So `--include lib/foo` would be in the box as "lib/foo" * _Absolute_ paths are simply copied files into the root of the box. So `--include /lib/foo` would be in the box as "foo" - "vagrant_main" is no longer the default run list. Instead, chef run list starts empty. It is up to you to specify all recipes in the Vagrantfile now. - Fixed various issues with certain action middleware not working if the VM was not created. - SSH connection is retried 5 times if there is a connection refused. Related to GH-140. - If `http_proxy` environmental variable is set, it will be used as the proxy box adding via http. - Remove `config.ssh.password`. It hasn't been used for a few versions now and was only kept around to avoid exceptions in Vagrantfiles. - Configuration is now validated so improper input can be found in Vagrantfiles. - Fixed issue with not detecting Vagrantfile at root directory ("/"). - Vagrant now gives a nice error message if there is a syntax error in any Vagrantfile. [GH-154] - The format of the ".vagrant" file which stores persisted VMs has changed. This is **backwards incompatible**. Will provide an upgrade utility prior to 0.6 launch. - Every [expected] Vagrant error now exits with a clean error message and a unique exit status, and raises a unique exception (if you're scripting Vagrant). - Added I18n gem dependency for pulling strings into clean YML files. Vagrant is now localizable as a side effect! Translations welcome. - Fixed issue with "Waiting for cleanup" message appearing twice in some cases. [GH-145] - Converted CLI to use Thor. As a tradeoff, there are some backwards incompatibilities: * `vagrant package` - The `--include` flag now separates filenames by spaces, instead of by commas. e.g. `vagrant package --include x y z` * `vagrant ssh` - If you specify a command to execute using the `--execute` flag, you may now only specify one command (before you were able to specify an arbitrary amount). e.g. `vagrant ssh -e "echo hello"` * `vagrant ssh-config` has become `vagrant ssh_config` due to a limitation in Thor. ## 0.5.4 (September 7, 2010) - Fix issue with the "exec failed" by running on Tiger as well. - Give an error when downloading a box which already exists prior to actually downloading the box. ## 0.5.3 (August 23, 2010) - Add erubis as a dependency since its rendering of `erb` is sane. - Fixed poorly formatted Vagrantfile after `vagrant init`. [GH-142] - Fixed NFS not working properly with multiple NFS folders. - Fixed chef solo provision to work on Windows. It was expanding a linux path which prepended a drive letter onto it. ## 0.5.2 (August 3, 2010) - `vagrant up` can be used as a way to resume the VM as well (same as `vagrant resume`). [GH-134] - Sudo uses "-E" flag to preserve environment for chef provisioners. This fixes issues with CentOS. [GH-133] - Added "IdentitiesOnly yes" to options when `vagrant ssh` is run to avoid "Too Many Authentication Failures" error. [GH-131] - Fix regression with `package` not working. [GH-132] - Added ability to specify box url in `init`, which populates the Vagrantfile with the proper `config.vm.box_url`. ## 0.5.1 (July 31, 2010) - Allow specifying cookbook paths which exist only on the VM in `config.chef.cookbooks_path`. This is used for specifying cookbook paths when `config.chef.recipe_url` is used. [GH-130] See updated chef solo documentation for more information on this. - No longer show "Disabling host only networks..." if no host only networks are destroyed. Quiets `destroy`, `halt`, etc output a bit. - Updated getting started guide to be more up to date and generic. [GH-125] - Fixed error with doing a `vagrant up` when no Vagrantfile existed. [GH-128] - Fixed NFS erroring when NFS wasn't even enabled if `/etc/exports` doesn't exist. [GH-126] - Fixed `vagrant resume` to properly resume a suspended VM. [GH-122] - Fixed `halt`, `destroy`, `reload` to where they failed if the VM was in a saved state. [GH-123] - Added `config.chef.recipe_url` which allows you to specify a URL to a gzipped tar file for chef solo to download cookbooks. See the [chef-solo docs](http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Solo#ChefSolo-RunningfromaURL) for more information. [GH-121] - Added `vagrant box repackage` which repackages boxes which have been added. This is useful in case you want to redistribute a base box you have but may have lost the actual "box" file. [GH-120] ## Previous The changelog began with version 0.5.1 so any changes prior to that can be seen by checking the tagged releases and reading git commit messages.