require_relative "../../../../base" require_relative "../../support/shared/config" require_relative "shared" require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/provisioners/ansible/config/host") describe VagrantPlugins::Ansible::Config::Host, :skip_windows => true do include_context "unit" subject { } let(:machine) { double("machine", env: } let(:existing_file) { File.expand_path(__FILE__) } it "supports a list of options" do supported_options = %w( ask_sudo_pass ask_vault_pass config_file extra_vars force_remote_user galaxy_command galaxy_role_file galaxy_roles_path groups host_key_checking host_vars inventory_path limit playbook playbook_command raw_arguments raw_ssh_args skip_tags start_at_task sudo sudo_user tags vault_password_file verbose ) expect(get_provisioner_option_names(described_class)).to eql(supported_options) end describe "default options handling" do it_behaves_like "options shared by both Ansible provisioners" it "assigns default values to unset host-specific options" do subject.finalize! expect(subject.ask_sudo_pass).to be_false expect(subject.ask_vault_pass).to be_false expect(subject.force_remote_user).to be_true expect(subject.host_key_checking).to be_false expect(subject.raw_ssh_args).to be_nil end end describe "force_remote_user option" do it_behaves_like "any VagrantConfigProvisioner strict boolean attribute", :force_remote_user, true end describe "host_key_checking option" do it_behaves_like "any VagrantConfigProvisioner strict boolean attribute", :host_key_checking, false end describe "ask_sudo_pass option" do it_behaves_like "any VagrantConfigProvisioner strict boolean attribute", :ask_sudo_pass, false end describe "ask_vault_pass option" do it_behaves_like "any VagrantConfigProvisioner strict boolean attribute", :ask_vault_pass, false end describe "#validate" do before do subject.playbook = existing_file end it_behaves_like "an Ansible provisioner", "", "remote" it "returns an error if the raw_ssh_args is of the wrong data type" do subject.raw_ssh_args = { arg1: 1, arg2: "foo" } subject.finalize! result = subject.validate(machine) expect(result["ansible remote provisioner"]).to eql([ I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.ansible.errors.raw_ssh_args_invalid", type: subject.raw_ssh_args.class.to_s, value: subject.raw_ssh_args.to_s) ]) end it "converts a raw_ssh_args option defined as a String into an Array" do subject.raw_arguments = "-o ControlMaster=no" subject.finalize! result = subject.validate(machine) expect(subject.raw_arguments).to eql(["-o ControlMaster=no"]) end end end