require "tempfile" require "ipaddr" require_relative "../../../../lib/vagrant/util/template_renderer" module VagrantPlugins module GuestGentoo module Cap class ConfigureNetworks include Vagrant::Util def self.configure_networks(machine, networks) comm = machine.communicate commands = [] interfaces = machine.guest.capability(:network_interfaces, "/bin/ip")! { |n| n[:device] = interfaces[n[:interface]]; n } if comm.test('[[ `systemctl` =~ -\.mount ]]') # Configure networking for Systemd # convert netmasks to CIDR by converting to a binary string and counting the '1's! { |n| n[:netmask] =[:netmask]).to_i.to_s(2).count("1"); n } # glob networks by device, so that we can write one file per device # (result is hash[devicename] = [net, net, net...]) networks = { |n| [n[:device], n] }.reduce({}) { |h, (k, v)| (h[k] ||= []) << v; h } # Write one .network file out for each device networks.each_pair do |device_name, device_networks| entry = TemplateRenderer.render('guests/gentoo/network_systemd', networks: device_networks) filename = "50_vagrant_#{device_name}.network" tmpfile = "/tmp/#{filename}" destfile = "/etc/systemd/network/#{filename}"'vagrant-gentoo-configure-networks') do |f| f.binmode f.write(entry) f.fsync f.close comm.upload(f.path, tmpfile) end commands << "mv #{tmpfile} #{destfile} && chmod 644 #{destfile}" end # tell systemd to reload the networking config commands << 'systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service' else # Configure networking for OpenRC # Remove any previous network additions to the configuration file. commands << "sed -i'' -e '/^#VAGRANT-BEGIN/,/^#VAGRANT-END/ d' /etc/conf.d/net" networks.each_with_index do |network, i| entry = TemplateRenderer.render("guests/gentoo/network_#{network[:type]}", options: network, ) remote_path = "/tmp/vagrant-network-#{network[:device]}-#{}-#{i}""vagrant-gentoo-configure-networks") do |f| f.binmode f.write(entry) f.fsync f.close comm.upload(f.path, remote_path) end commands << <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {14}/, '') ln -sf /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.#{network[:device]} /etc/init.d/net.#{network[:device]} stop || true cat '#{remote_path}' >> /etc/conf.d/net rm -f '#{remote_path}' /etc/init.d/net.#{network[:device]} start EOH end end comm.sudo(commands.join("\n")) end end end end end