# Vagrant Buildbot System This is the code for the Vagrant buildbot system. [Buildbot](http://buildbot.net) is a continuous integration system that offers an extreme amount of flexibility and power. This directory contains a few subdirectories to setup this CI system: * `buildbot_config` - This contains the custom Python code to setup the various parts of the buildbot configuration. * `master` - This is mostly auto-generated from Buildbot itself, however the `master.cfg` file is the configuration used on the buildmaster. * `slave`- This is mostly auto-generated from Buildbot, but the `buildbot.tac` contains some custom code in it to connect to the Vagrant buildmaster. **NOTE:** One of the dependencies for the Vagrant CI system is currently not public, and as such can't be setup by the general public. This will be fixed in the next couple weeks. ## Contribute a CI Slave! **NOTE:** The slave contribution process is still not completely setup and will be ironed out very soon after the CI system is up and running. Vagrant is an open source profit which doesn't have any income from support, services, or otherwise. All Vagrant slave machines are donated by the community. Donating a machine doesn't require anything more than installing and running the slave software. Vagrant is specifically looking for slave machines that provide a diverse set of operating systems and cpu architectures for testing Vagrant. ## Setting up the Buildmaster To set up the buildmaster, clone out this directory somewhere and install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Once the dependencies are installed, create a configuration file with the settings you want to use somewhere. The settings available for a master are defined in `buildbot_config/config/master.py`. An example configuration file: [master] slaves=foo:password,bar:anotherpassword web_port=8000 Execute the buildbot using: BUILDBOT_CONFIG=/path/to/my/config.cfg buildbot start master/ ## Setting up a Buildslave To set up a slave, clone out this directory and install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Then, create a configuration file with the slave settings. The settings available for a slave are defined in `buildbot_config/config/slave.py`. An example configuration file: [slave] master_host=ci.vagrantup.com master_port=9989 name=the-love-machine password=foobarbaz Note that the password above will be assigned to you as part of donating any slave machine, since it must be setup on the buildmaster side as well. Once the configuration is done, run the slave: BUILDBOT_CONFIG=/path/to/my/config.cfg buildslave start slave/