require "pathname" require "tmpdir" require "vagrant/util/subprocess" module VagrantPlugins module HostWindows module Cap class RDP def self.rdp_client(env, rdp_info) config = nil opts = { "drivestoredirect:s" => "*", "full address:s" => "#{rdp_info[:host]}:#{rdp_info[:port]}", "prompt for credentials:i" => "1", "username:s" => rdp_info[:username], } # Create the ".rdp" file config_path = "vagrant-rdp-#{}-#{rand(10000)}.rdp")"w+") do |f| opts.each do |k, v| f.puts("#{k}:#{v}") end end # Build up the args to mstsc args = [config_path.to_s] if rdp_info[:extra_args] args = rdp_info[:extra_args] + args end # Launch it Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute("mstsc", *args) end end end end end