--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Vagrant Triggers Usage" sidebar_current: "triggers-usage" description: |- Various Vagrant Triggers examples --- # Basic Usage Below are some very simple examples of how to use Vagrant Triggers. ## Examples The following is a basic example of two global triggers. One that runs _before_ the `:up` command and one that runs _after_ the `:up` command: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.trigger.before :up do |trigger| trigger.name = "Hello world" trigger.info = "I am running before vagrant up!!" end config.trigger.after :up do |trigger| trigger.name = "Hello world" trigger.info = "I am running after vagrant up!!" end config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu| ubuntu.vm.box = "ubuntu" end end ``` These will run before and after each defined guest in the Vagrantfile. Running a remote script to save a database on your host before __destroy__ing a guest: ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu| ubuntu.vm.box = "ubuntu" ubuntu.trigger.before :destroy do |trigger| trigger.warn = "Dumping database to /vagrant/outfile" trigger.run_remote = {inline: "pg_dump dbname > /vagrant/outfile"} end end end ``` Now that the trigger is defined, running the __destroy__ command will fire off the defined trigger before Vagrant destroys the machine. ```shell $ vagrant destroy ubuntu ``` An example of defining three triggers that start and stop tinyproxy on your host machine using homebrew: ```shell #/bin/bash # start-tinyproxy.sh brew services start tinyproxy ``` ```shell #/bin/bash # stop-tinyproxy.sh brew services stop tinyproxy ``` ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu| ubuntu.vm.box = "ubuntu" ubuntu.trigger.before :up do |trigger| trigger.info = "Starting tinyproxy..." trigger.run = {path: "start-tinyproxy.sh"} end ubuntu.trigger.after :destroy, :halt do |trigger| trigger.info = "Stopping tinyproxy..." trigger.run = {path: "stop-tinyproxy.sh"} end end end ``` Running `vagrant up` would fire the before trigger to start tinyproxy, where as running either `vagrant destroy` or `vagrant halt` would stop tinyproxy. ### Ruby Option Triggers can also be defined to run Ruby, rather than bash or powershell. An example of this might be using a Ruby option to get more information from the `VBoxManage` tool. In this case, we are printing the `ostype` defined for thte guest after it has been brought up. ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu| ubuntu.vm.box = "ubuntu" ubuntu.trigger.after :up do |trigger| trigger.info = "More information with ruby magic" trigger.ruby do |env,machine| puts `VBoxManage showvminfo #{machine.id} --machinereadable | grep ostype` end end end end ``` If you are defining your triggers using the hash syntax, you must use the `Proc` type for defining a ruby trigger. ```ruby Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu| ubuntu.vm.box = "ubuntu" ubuntu.trigger.after :up, info: "More information with ruby magic", ruby: proc{|env,machine| puts `VBoxManage showvminfo #{machine.id} --machinereadable | grep ostype`} end end ``` ### Typed Triggers Below are some basic examples of using `:type` triggers. They cover commands, hooks, and actions. It is important to note that while `command` triggers will be a fairly common use case, both `action` and `hook` triggers are more complicated and are a more advanced use case. #### Commands The most common use case for typed triggers are with `command`. These kinds of triggers allow you to run something before or after a subcommand in Vagrant. ```ruby config.trigger.after :status, type: :command do |t| t.info = "Showing status of all VMs!" end ``` Because they are specifically for subcommands, they do not work with any guest operations like `run_remote` or if you define the trigger as a guest trigger. #### Hooks Below is an example of a Vagrant trigger that runs before and after each defined provisioner: ```ruby config.trigger.before :provisioner_run, type: :hook do |t| t.info = "Before the provision!" end config.vm.provision "file", source: "scripts/script.sh", destination: "/test/script.sh" config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL echo "Provision the guest!" SHELL ``` Notice how this trigger runs before _each_ provisioner defined for the guest: ```shell ==> guest: Running provisioner: Sandbox (file)... ==> vargant: Running hook triggers before provisioner_run ... ==> vargant: Running trigger... ==> vargant: Before the provision! guest: /home/hashicorp/vagrant-sandbox/scripts/script.sh => /home/vagrant/test/script.sh ==> guest: Running provisioner: shell... ==> vargant: Running hook triggers before provisioner_run ... ==> vargant: Running trigger... ==> vargant: Before the provision! guest: Running: inline script guest: Provision the guest! ``` #### Actions With action typed triggers, you can fire off triggers before or after certain Action classes. A simple example of this might be warning the user when Vagrant invokes the `GracefulHalt` action. ```ruby config.trigger.before :"Vagrant::Action::Builtin::GracefulHalt", type: :action do |t| t.warn = "Vagrant is halting your guest..." end ```