require_relative "../errors" require_relative "../helpers" module VagrantPlugins module Ansible module Provisioner # This class is a base class where the common functionality shared between # both Ansible provisioners are stored. # This is **not an actual provisioner**. # Instead, {Host} (ansible) or {Guest} (ansible_local) should be used. class Base < Vagrant.plugin("2", :provisioner) protected def initialize(machine, config) super @command_arguments = [] @environment_variables = {} @inventory_machines = {} @inventory_path = nil end def prepare_common_command_arguments # By default we limit by the current machine, # but this can be overridden by the `limit` option. if config.limit @command_arguments << "--limit=#{Helpers::as_list_argument(config.limit)}" else @command_arguments << "--limit=#{}" end @command_arguments << "--inventory-file=#{inventory_path}" @command_arguments << "--extra-vars=#{extra_vars_argument}" if config.extra_vars @command_arguments << "--sudo" if config.sudo @command_arguments << "--sudo-user=#{config.sudo_user}" if config.sudo_user @command_arguments << "#{verbosity_argument}" if verbosity_is_enabled? @command_arguments << "--vault-password-file=#{config.vault_password_file}" if config.vault_password_file @command_arguments << "--tags=#{Helpers::as_list_argument(config.tags)}" if config.tags @command_arguments << "--skip-tags=#{Helpers::as_list_argument(config.skip_tags)}" if config.skip_tags @command_arguments << "--start-at-task=#{config.start_at_task}" if config.start_at_task # Finally, add the raw configuration options, which has the highest precedence # and can therefore potentially override any other options of this provisioner. @command_arguments.concat(Helpers::as_array(config.raw_arguments)) if config.raw_arguments end def prepare_common_environment_variables # Ensure Ansible output isn't buffered so that we receive output # on a task-by-task basis. @environment_variables["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = 1 # When Ansible output is piped in Vagrant integration, its default colorization is # automatically disabled and the only way to re-enable colors is to use ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR. @environment_variables["ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR"] = "true" if @machine.env.ui.color? # Setting ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR is "unnecessary" at the moment, but this could change in the future # (e.g. local provisioner [GH-2103], possible change in vagrant/ansible integration, etc.) @environment_variables["ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR"] = "true" if !@machine.env.ui.color? end # Auto-generate "safe" inventory file based on Vagrantfile, # unless inventory_path is explicitly provided def inventory_path if config.inventory_path config.inventory_path else @inventory_path ||= generate_inventory end end def generate_inventory inventory = "# Generated by Vagrant\n\n" # This "abstract" step must fill the @inventory_machines list # and return the list of supported host(s) inventory += generate_inventory_machines inventory += generate_inventory_groups # This "abstract" step must create the inventory file and # return its location path # TODO: explain possible race conditions, etc. @inventory_path = ship_generated_inventory(inventory) end # Write out groups information. # All defined groups will be included, but only supported # machines and defined child groups will be included. # Group variables are intentionally skipped. def generate_inventory_groups groups_of_groups = {} defined_groups = [] inventory_groups = "" config.groups.each_pair do |gname, gmembers| # Require that gmembers be an array # (easier to be tolerant and avoid error management of few value) gmembers = [gmembers] if !gmembers.is_a?(Array) if gname.end_with?(":children") groups_of_groups[gname] = gmembers defined_groups << gname.sub(/:children$/, '') elsif !gname.include?(':vars') defined_groups << gname inventory_groups += "\n[#{gname}]\n" gmembers.each do |gm| inventory_groups += "#{gm}\n" if @inventory_machines.include?(gm.to_sym) end end end defined_groups.uniq! groups_of_groups.each_pair do |gname, gmembers| inventory_groups += "\n[#{gname}]\n" gmembers.each do |gm| inventory_groups += "#{gm}\n" if defined_groups.include?(gm) end end return inventory_groups end def extra_vars_argument if config.extra_vars.kind_of?(String) and config.extra_vars =~ /^@.+$/ # A JSON or YAML file is referenced. config.extra_vars else # Expected to be a Hash after config validation. config.extra_vars.to_json end end def verbosity_is_enabled? config.verbose && !config.verbose.to_s.empty? end def verbosity_argument if config.verbose.to_s =~ /^-?(v+)$/ "-#{$+}" else # safe default, in case input strays '-v' end end end end end end