require File.expand_path("../../base", __FILE__) describe Vagrant::UI::Basic do context "in general" do it "outputs within the a new thread" do current = Thread.current.object_id expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |*args| expect(Thread.current.object_id).to_not eq(current) true } subject.output("foo") end it "outputs using `puts` by default" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(opts[:printer]).to eq(:puts) true } subject.output("foo") end it "outputs using `print` if new_line is false" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(opts[:printer]).to eq(:print) true } subject.output("foo", new_line: false) end it "outputs using `print` if new_line is false" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(opts[:printer]).to eq(:print) true } subject.output("foo", new_line: false) end it "outputs to the assigned stdout" do stdout = subject.stdout = stdout expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(opts[:io]).to be(stdout) true } subject.output("foo") end it "outputs to stdout by default" do expect(subject.stdout).to be($stdout) end it "outputs to the assigned stderr for errors" do stderr = subject.stderr = stderr expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(opts[:io]).to be(stderr) true } subject.error("foo") end it "outputs to stderr for errors by default" do expect(subject.stderr).to be($stderr) end end context "#color?" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.color?).to be(false) end end context "#detail" do it "outputs details" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, **opts| expect(message).to eq("foo") true } subject.detail("foo") end it "doesn't output details if disabled" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).never subject.opts[:hide_detail] = true subject.detail("foo") end end end describe Vagrant::UI::Colored do include_context "unit" describe "#color?" do it "returns true" do expect(subject.color?).to be(true) end end describe "#detail" do it "colors output nothing by default" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with("\033[0mfoo\033[0m", anything) subject.detail("foo") end it "does not bold by default with a color" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;31m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.detail("foo", color: :red) end end describe "#error" do it "colors red" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;31m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.error("foo") end end describe "#output" do it "colors output nothing by default, no bold" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with("\033[0mfoo\033[0m", anything) subject.output("foo") end it "doesn't use a color if default color" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with("\033[0mfoo\033[0m", anything) subject.output("foo", color: :default) end it "bolds output without color if specified" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with("\033[1mfoo\033[0m", anything) subject.output("foo", bold: true) end it "colors output to color specified in global opts" do subject.opts[:color] = :red expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;31m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.output("foo") end it "colors output to specified color over global opts" do subject.opts[:color] = :red expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;32m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.output("foo", color: :green) end it "bolds the output if specified" do subject.opts[:color] = :red expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[1;31m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.output("foo", bold: true) end end describe "#success" do it "colors green" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;32m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.success("foo") end end describe "#warn" do it "colors yellow" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message, *args| expect(message).to start_with("\033[0;33m") expect(message).to end_with("\033[0m") } subject.warn("foo") end end end describe Vagrant::UI::MachineReadable do describe "#ask" do it "raises an exception" do expect { subject.ask("foo") }. to raise_error(Vagrant::Errors::UIExpectsTTY) end end [:detail, :warn, :error, :info, :output, :success].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do it "outputs UI type to the machine-readable output" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(5) expect(parts[1]).to eq("") expect(parts[2]).to eq("ui") expect(parts[3]).to eq(method.to_s) expect(parts[4]).to eq("foo") true } subject.send(method, "foo") end end end describe "#machine" do it "is formatted properly" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(5) expect(parts[1]).to eq("") expect(parts[2]).to eq("type") expect(parts[3]).to eq("data") expect(parts[4]).to eq("another") true } subject.machine(:type, "data", "another") end it "includes a target if given" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(4) expect(parts[1]).to eq("boom") expect(parts[2]).to eq("type") expect(parts[3]).to eq("data") true } subject.machine(:type, "data", target: "boom") end it "replaces commas" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(4) expect(parts[3]).to eq("foo%!(VAGRANT_COMMA)bar") true } subject.machine(:type, "foo,bar") end it "replaces newlines" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(4) expect(parts[3]).to eq("foo\\nbar\\r") true } subject.machine(:type, "foo\nbar\r") end # This is for a bug where JSON parses are frozen and an # exception was being raised. it "works properly with frozen string arguments" do expect(subject).to receive(:safe_puts).with { |message| parts = message.split(",") expect(parts.length).to eq(4) expect(parts[3]).to eq("foo\\nbar\\r") true } subject.machine(:type, "foo\nbar\r".freeze) end end end describe Vagrant::UI::Prefixed do let(:prefix) { "foo" } let(:ui) { } subject {, prefix) } describe "#initialize_copy" do it "duplicates the underlying ui too" do another = subject.dup expect(another.opts).to_not equal(subject.opts) end end describe "#ask" do it "does not request bolding" do expect(ui).to receive(:ask).with(" #{prefix}: foo", bold: false, target: prefix) subject.ask("foo") end end describe "#detail" do it "prefixes with spaces and the message" do expect(ui).to receive(:safe_puts).with(" #{prefix}: foo", anything) subject.detail("foo") end it "prefixes every line" do expect(ui).to receive(:detail).with( " #{prefix}: foo\n #{prefix}: bar", bold: false, target: prefix) subject.detail("foo\nbar") end it "doesn't prefix if requested" do expect(ui).to receive(:detail).with("foo", prefix: false, bold: false, target: prefix) subject.detail("foo", prefix: false) end end describe "#machine" do it "sets the target option" do expect(ui).to receive(:machine).with(:foo, target: prefix) subject.machine(:foo) end it "preserves existing options" do expect(ui).to receive(:machine).with(:foo, :bar, foo: :bar, target: prefix) subject.machine(:foo, :bar, foo: :bar) end end describe "#opts" do it "is the parent's opts" do ui.stub(opts: expect(subject.opts).to be(ui.opts) end end describe "#output" do it "prefixes with an arrow and the message" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("==> #{prefix}: foo", anything) subject.output("foo") end it "prefixes with spaces if requested" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with(" #{prefix}: foo", anything) subject.output("foo", prefix_spaces: true) end it "prefixes every line" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("==> #{prefix}: foo\n==> #{prefix}: bar", anything) subject.output("foo\nbar") end it "doesn't prefix if requestsed" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("foo", prefix: false, bold: true, target: prefix) subject.output("foo", prefix: false) end it "requests bolding" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("==> #{prefix}: foo", bold: true, target: prefix) subject.output("foo") end it "does not request bolding if class-level disabled" do ui.opts[:bold] = false expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("==> #{prefix}: foo", target: prefix) subject.output("foo") end it "prefixes with another prefix if requested" do expect(ui).to receive(:output).with("==> bar: foo", anything) subject.output("foo", target: "bar") end end end