#Requires -Modules VagrantVM, VagrantMessages param( [parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [Guid] $VMID, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $SwitchID=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Memory=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $MaxMemory=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Processors=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $AutoStartAction=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string] $AutoStopAction=$null, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $VirtualizationExtensions, [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $EnableCheckpoints ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { $VM = Hyper-V\Get-VM -Id $VMID } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to locate VM: ${PSItem}" exit 1 } if($Processors) { try { Set-VagrantVMCPUS -VM $VM -CPUCount ($Processors -as [int]) } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to configure CPUs: ${PSItem}" exit 1 } } if($Memory -or $MaxMemory) { try { Set-VagrantVMMemory -VM $VM -Memory $Memory -MaxMemory $MaxMemory } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to configure memory: ${PSItem}" exit 1 } } if($AutoStartAction -or $AutoStopAction) { try { Set-VagrantVMAutoActions -VM $VM -AutoStartAction $AutoStartAction -AutoStopAction $AutoStopAction } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to configure automatic actions: ${PSItem}" exit 1 } } if($VirtualizationExtensions) { $virtex = $true } else { $virtex = $false } try { Set-VagrantVMVirtExtensions -VM $VM -Enabled $virtex } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to configure virtualization extensions: ${PSItem}" exit 1 } if($SwitchID) { try { $SwitchName = Get-VagrantVMSwitch -NameOrID $SwitchID Set-VagrantVMSwitch -VM $VM -SwitchName $SwitchName } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to configure network adapter: ${PSItem}" } } if($EnableCheckpoints) { $checkpoints = "Standard" $CheckpointAction = "enable" } else { $checkpoints = "Disabled" $CheckpointAction = "disable" } try { Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -CheckpointType $checkpoints } catch { Write-Error-Message "Failed to ${CheckpointAction} checkpoints on VM: ${PSItem}" exit 1 }