# Vagrant * Website: [http://vagrantup.com](http://vagrantup.com) * Source: [http://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant](http://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant) * IRC: `#vagrant` on Freenode * Mailng list: [Google Groups](http://groups.google.com/group/vagrant-up) Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. By providing automated creation and provisioning of virtual machines using [Oracle’s VirtualBox](http://www.virtualbox.org), Vagrant provides the tools to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable virtual environments. For more information, see the part of the getting started guide on ”[Why Vagrant?](http://vagrantup.com/docs/getting-started/index.html)” ## Quick Start First, make sure your development machine has [VirtualBox](http://www.virtualbox.org) installed. The setup from that point forward is very easy, since Vagrant is simply a rubygem. sudo gem install vagrant To build your first virtual environment: vagrant init vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/base.box vagrant up ## Getting Started Guide and Video To learn how to build a fully functional rails development environment, view the [getting started guide](http://vagrantup.com/getting-started/index.html). There is also a fairly short (12 minute) [getting started video](http://vimeo.com/9976342) which explains how to build a fully functional LAMP development environment, which covers a few parts of Vagrant in more detail than the website guide. ## Installing the Gem from Git If you want the bleeding edge version of Vagrant, we try to keep master pretty stable and you're welcome to give it a shot. The following is an example showing how to do this: sudo rake install ## Contributing to Vagrant To hack on vagrant, you'll need [bundler](http://github.com/carlhuda/bundler) which can be installed with a simple `sudo gem install bundler`. Afterwords, do the following: bundle install bundle exec rake This will run the test suite, which should come back all green! Then you're good to go!