require "tmpdir" require "rubygems" # Gems require "checkpoint" require "webmock/rspec" require "rspec/its" # Require Vagrant itself so we can reference the proper # classes to test. require "vagrant" require "vagrant/util/platform" # Add the test directory to the load path $:.unshift File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__) # Load in helpers require "unit/support/dummy_communicator" require "unit/support/dummy_provider" require "unit/support/shared/base_context" require "unit/support/shared/action_synced_folders_context" require "unit/support/shared/capability_helpers_context" require "unit/support/shared/plugin_command_context" require "unit/support/shared/virtualbox_context" # Do not buffer output $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true # Create a temporary directory where test vagrant will run. The reason we save # this to a constant is so we can clean it up later. VAGRANT_TEST_CWD = Dir.mktmpdir("vagrant-test-cwd") # Configure RSpec RSpec.configure do |c| c.formatter = :documentation if c.filter_run_excluding :skip_windows else c.filter_run_excluding :windows end if !Vagrant::Util::Which.which("bsdtar") c.filter_run_excluding :bsdtar end c.after(:suite) do FileUtils.rm_rf(VAGRANT_TEST_CWD) end end # Configure VAGRANT_CWD so that the tests never find an actual # Vagrantfile anywhere, or at least this minimizes those chances. ENV["VAGRANT_CWD"] = VAGRANT_TEST_CWD # Set the dummy provider to the default for tests ENV["VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER"] = "dummy" # Unset all host plugins so that we aren't executing subprocess things # to detect a host for every test. Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.registered.dup.each do |plugin| if plugin.components.hosts.to_hash.length > 0 Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.unregister(plugin) end end # Disable checkpoint Checkpoint.disable!