require "tempfile" require "vagrant/util/template_renderer" module VagrantPlugins module GuestDarwin module Cap class ConfigureNetworks include Vagrant::Util def self.configure_networks(machine, networks) # Slightly different than other plugins, using the template to build commands # rather than templating the files. machine.communicate.sudo("networksetup -detectnewhardware") machine.communicate.sudo("networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder > /tmp/vagrant.interfaces") tmpints = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, File.basename("#{}.interfaces"))"/tmp/vagrant.interfaces",tmpints) devlist = [] ints = ints.split(/\n\n/m).each do |i| if i.match(/Hardware/) and not i.match(/Ethernet/).nil? devmap = {} # Ethernet, should be 2 lines, # (3) Thunderbolt Ethernet # (Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Ethernet, Device: en1) # multiline, should match "Thunderbolt Ethernet", "en1" devicearry = i.match(/\([0-9]+\) (.+)\n.*Device: (.+)\)/m) devmap[:interface] = devicearry[2] devmap[:service] = devicearry[1] devlist << devmap end end puts devlist networks.each do |network| intnum = network[:interface] puts network[:interface] puts network[:type] if network[:type].to_sym == :static # network seems 1 indexed - skip NAT interface (en0) also en1 because it seems to not *really* exist on virtualbox? command = "networksetup -setmanual \"#{devlist[intnum+1][:service]}\" #{network[:ip]} #{network[:netmask]}" elsif network[:type].to_sym == :dhcp command = "networksetup -setdhcp \"#{devlist[intnum+1][:service]}\"" end machine.communicate.sudo(command) end end end end end end