require "vagrant" require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/guests/debian/guest") module VagrantPlugins module GuestUbuntu class Guest < VagrantPlugins::GuestDebian::Guest def mount_shared_folder(name, guestpath, options) # Mount it like normal super # Emit an upstart event if upstart is available vm.communicate.sudo("[ -x /sbin/initctl ] && /sbin/initctl emit vagrant-mounted MOUNTPOINT=#{guestpath}") end def mount_nfs(ip, folders) # Mount it like normal super # Emit an upstart events if upstart is available folders.each do |name, opts| real_guestpath = expanded_guest_path(opts[:guestpath])"[ -x /sbin/initctl ] && /sbin/initctl emit vagrant-mounted MOUNTPOINT=#{real_guestpath}") end end def change_host_name(name) vm.communicate.tap do |comm| if !comm.test("sudo hostname | grep '^#{name}$'") comm.sudo("sed -i 's/.*$/#{name}/' /etc/hostname") comm.sudo("sed -i 's@^\\(127[.]0[.]1[.]1[[:space:]]\\+\\)@\\1#{name} #{name.split('.')[0]} @' /etc/hosts") if comm.test("[ `lsb_release -c -s` = hardy ]") # returns 1, so I grep for the right name in /etc/hostname just to have a 0 exitcode comm.sudo("/etc/init.d/ start; grep '#{name}' /etc/hostname") else comm.sudo("service hostname start") end comm.sudo("hostname --fqdn > /etc/mailname") end end end end end end