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:box_already_exists: "This box appears to already exist! Please call `vagrant box remove <%= box_name %>`
\nand then try to add it again."
:box_add_already_exists: "A box with the name '<%= box_name %>' already exists, please use another name or use `vagrant box remove <%= box_name %>`"
:box_download_unknown_type: "Unknown URI type for box download."
:box_remove_doesnt_exist: "The box you're attempting to remove does not exist!"
:box_specified_doesnt_exist: "Specified box `<%= box_name %>` does not exist!\n
\nThe box must be added through the `vagrant box add` command. Please view
\nthe documentation associated with the command for more information."
:box_not_specified: "No base box was specified! A base box is required as a staring point
\nfor every vagrant virtual machine. Please specify one in your Vagrantfile
\nusing `config.vm.box`"
:chef_base_invalid_provisioner: "Vagrant::Provisioners::Chef is not a valid provisioner! Use ChefSolo or ChefServer instead."
:chef_server_url_required: "Chef server provisioning requires that the `config.chef.chef_server_url` be set to the
\nURL of your chef server. Examples include \"\" and
\n\"http://myserver.com:4000\" (the port of course can be different, but 4000 is the default)"
:chef_server_validation_key_required: "Chef server provisioning requires that the `config.chef.validation_key_path` configuration
\nbe set to a path on your local machine of the validation key used to register the
\nVM with the chef server."
:chef_server_validation_key_doesnt_exist: "The validation key set for `config.chef.validation_key_path` does not exist! This
\nfile needs to exist so it can be uploaded to the virtual machine. It is
\ncurrently set to \"<%= Vagrant.config.chef.validation_key_path %>\""
:command_box_invalid: "Please specify a valid action to take on the boxes, either
\n`add` or `remove`. Examples:
\nvagrant box add name uri
\nvagrant box remove name
\nvagrant box list"
:dotfile_error: "The dotfile which Vagrant uses to store the UUID of the project's
\nvirtual machine already exists and is not a file! The dotfile is
\ncurrently configured to be `<%= Vagrant::Env.dotfile_path %>`
\nTo change this value, please see `config.vagrant.dotfile_name`
\nThis often exists if you're trying to create a Vagrant virtual
\nenvironment from your home directory. To resolve this, you can either
\nmodify the configuration a bit, or simply use a different directory."
:downloader_file_doesnt_exist: "The given box does not exist on the file system:\n
\n<%= source_url %>"
:environment_not_created: "The task you're trying to run requires that the vagrant environment
\nalready be created, but unfortunately this vagrant still appears to
\nhave no box! You can setup the environment by setting up your
\n<%= Vagrant::Env::ROOTFILE_NAME %> and running `vagrant up`"
:package_include_file_doesnt_exist: "File specified to include: '<%= filename %>' does not exist!"
:package_requires_export: "Package must be used in conjunction with export."
:provisioner_invalid_class: "Provisioners must be an instance of Vagrant::Provisioners::Base"
:provisioner_unknown_type: "Unknown provisioner type: <%= provisioner %>"
:rootfile_already_exists: "It looks like this directory is already setup for vagrant! (A <%= Vagrant::Env::ROOTFILE_NAME %>
\nalready exists.)"
:rootfile_not_found: "A `<%= Vagrant::Env::ROOTFILE_NAME %>` was not found! This file is required for vagrant to run
\nsince it describes the expected environment that vagrant is supposed
\nto manage. Please create a `<%= Vagrant::Env::ROOTFILE_NAME %>` and place it in your project
:virtualbox_import_failure: "The VM import failed! Try running `VBoxManage import` on the box file manually for more verbose error output."
:virtualbox_invalid_version: "Vagrant has detected that you have VirtualBox version <%= version %> installed!
\nVagrant requires that you use at least VirtualBox version 3.1. Please install
\na more recent version of VirtualBox to continue."
:virtualbox_not_detected: "Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
\nIf VirtualBox is installed, you may need to tweak the paths to the `VBoxManage`
\napplication which ships with VirtualBox and the path to the global XML configuration
\nwhich VirtualBox typically stores somewhere in your home directory.\n
\nThe following shows how to configure VirtualBox. This can be done in the
\nVagrantfile. Note that 90% of the time, you shouldn't need to do this if VirtualBox
\nis installed. Please use the various Vagrant support lines to request more information
\nif you can't get this working.\n
\nVirtualBox::Command.vboxmanage = \"/path/to/my/VBoxManage\"
\nVirtualBox::Global.vboxconfig = \"~/path/to/VirtualBox.xml\""
:virtualbox_xml_not_detected: "Vagrant couldn't find your global VirtualBox.xml file!\n
\nIf you just recently installed VirtualBox, make sure you've launched
\nit at least once, since the initial launch will typically create this
\nOtherwise, you may need to set the path to the VirtualBox.xml file
\nmanually. Note that 90% of people should never have to do this, so
\ndon't be afraid to use the various Vagrant support lines to ask for
\nhelp. To set the path manually:\n
\nVirtualBox::Global.vboxconfig = \"/path/to/VirtualBox.xml\""
:vm_failed_to_boot: "Failed to connect to VM! Failed to boot?"
:vm_not_running: "VM is not running! Nothing to shut down!"
:vm_not_running_for_suspend: "The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to suspend must be running to be suspended."
:vm_not_suspended: "The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to resume is not in a suspended state."
:vm_port_collision: "Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they
\nwould collide with another VirtualBox virtual machine's forwarded
\nports! The \"<%= name %>\" forwarded port (<%= hostport %>) is already in use on the host
\nTo fix this, modify your current projects Vagrantfile to use another
\nport. Example, where '1234' would be replaced by a unique host port:\n
\nconfig.vm.forward_port(\"<%= name %>\", <%= guestport %>, 1234)"
:vm_power_off_to_move_hd: "The virtual machine must be powered off to move its disk."
:vm_power_off_to_package: "The vagrant virtual environment you are trying to package must be powered off."
:vm_mount_fail: "Failed to mount shared folders. vboxsf was not available."
:vm_ssh_auth_failed: "SSH authentication failed! While this could be due to a variety of reasons,
\nthe two most common are: private key path is incorrect or you're using a box
\nwhich was built for Vagrant 0.1.x.\n
\nVagrant 0.2.x dropped support for password-based authentication. If you're
\ntring to `vagrant up` a box which does not support Vagrant's private/public
\nkeypair, then this error will be raised. To resolve this, read the guide
\non converting base boxes from password-based to keypairs here:\n
\nIf the box was built for 0.2.x and contains a custom public key, perhaps
\nthe path to the private key is incorrect. Check your `config.ssh.private_key_path`." |