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## 0.5.1 (unreleased)
- No longer show "Disabling host only networks..." if no host only networks
are destroyed. Quiets `destroy`, `halt`, etc output a bit.
- Updated getting started guide to be more up to date and generic. [GH-125]
- Fixed error with doing a `vagrant up` when no Vagrantfile existed. [GH-128]
- Fixed NFS erroring when NFS wasn't even enabled if `/etc/exports` doesn't
exist. [GH-126]
- Fixed `vagrant resume` to properly resume a suspended VM. [GH-122]
- Fixed `halt`, `destroy`, `reload` to where they failed if the VM was
in a saved state. [GH-123]
- Added `config.chef.recipe_url` which allows you to specify a URL to
a gzipped tar file for chef solo to download cookbooks. See the
[chef-solo docs](http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Solo#ChefSolo-RunningfromaURL) for more information.
- Added `vagrant box repackage` which repackages boxes which have
been added. This is useful in case you want to redistribute a base
box you have but may have lost the actual "box" file. [GH-120]
## Previous
The changelog began with version 0.5.1 so any changes prior to that
can be seen by checking the tagged releases and reading git commit