
164 lines
4.8 KiB

# Include the following modules
$Dir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($Dir, "utils\write_messages.ps1"))
$VmProperties = @{
Path = $vm_config_file
SnapshotFilePath = Join-Path $data_path 'Snapshots'
VhdDestinationPath = Join-Path $data_path 'Virtual Hard Disks'
VirtualMachinePath = $data_path
$vmConfig = (Compare-VM -Copy -GenerateNewID @VmProperties)
$generation = $vmConfig.VM.Generation
if (!$vmname) {
# Get the name of the vm
$vm_name = $vmconfig.VM.VMName
} else {
$vm_name = $vmname
if (!$cpus) {
# Get the processorcount of the VM
$processors = (Get-VMProcessor -VM $vmConfig.VM).Count
}else {
$processors = $cpus
function GetUniqueName($name) {
Get-VM | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($name -eq $_.Name) {
$name = $name + "_1"
return $name
do {
$name = $vm_name
$vm_name = GetUniqueName $name
} while ($vm_name -ne $name)
if (!$memory) {
$configMemory = Get-VMMemory -VM $vmConfig.VM
$dynamicmemory = $configMemory.DynamicMemoryEnabled
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($configMemory.Maximum)
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($configMemory.Startup)
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($configMemory.Minimum)
} else {
if (!$maxmemory){
$dynamicmemory = $False
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
} else {
$dynamicmemory = $True
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($maxmemory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
if (!$switchname) {
$switchname = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $vmConfig.VM).SwitchName
# Enable nested virtualization if configured
if ($enable_virtualization_extensions) {
Set-VMProcessor -VM $vmConfig.VM -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
$vmNetworkAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $vmConfig.VM
Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNetworkAdapter -SwitchName $switchname
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -NewVMName $vm_name
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -ErrorAction "Stop"
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -ProcessorCount $processors
if ($dynamicmemory) {
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -DynamicMemory
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -MemoryMinimumBytes $MemoryMinimumBytes -MemoryMaximumBytes $MemoryMaximumBytes -MemoryStartupBytes $MemoryStartupBytes
} else {
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -StaticMemory
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -MemoryStartupBytes $MemoryStartupBytes
if ($notes) {
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -Notes $notes
if ($auto_start_action) {
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -AutomaticStartAction $auto_start_action
if ($auto_stop_action) {
Set-VM -VM $vmConfig.VM -AutomaticStartAction $auto_stop_action
# Only set EFI secure boot for Gen 2 machines, not gen 1
if ($generation -ne 1) {
Set-VMFirmware -VM $vmConfig.VM -EnableSecureBoot (Get-VMFirmware -VM $vmConfig.VM).SecureBoot
$report = Compare-VM -CompatibilityReport $vmConfig
# Stop if there are incompatibilities
if($report.Incompatibilities.Length -gt 0){
Write-Error-Message $(ConvertTo-Json $($report.Incompatibilities | Select -ExpandProperty Message))
exit 0
# Get all controller on the VM, first scsi, then IDE if it is a Gen 1 device
$controllers = Get-VMScsiController -VM $vmConfig.VM
if($generation -eq 1){
$controllers = @($controllers) + @(Get-VMIdeController -VM $vmConfig.VM)
foreach($controller in $controllers){
foreach($drive in $controller.Drives){
if([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($drive.Path) -eq [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($source_path)){
# Remove the old disk and replace it with a differencing version
$path = $drive.Path
Remove-VMHardDiskDrive $drive
New-VHD -Path $dest_path -ParentPath $source_path -ErrorAction Stop
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VM $vmConfig.VM -Path $dest_path
Import-VM -CompatibilityReport $vmConfig
$vm_id = (Get-VM $vm_name).id.guid
$resultHash = @{
name = $vm_name
id = $vm_id
$result = ConvertTo-Json $resultHash
Write-Output-Message $result