
748 lines
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# Always stop when errors are encountered unless instructed not to
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Vagrant VM creation functions
function New-VagrantVM {
param (
[string] $VMConfigFile,
[string] $DestinationPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $DataPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $SourcePath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[bool] $LinkedClone = $false,
[string] $VMName
if([IO.Path]::GetExtension($VMConfigFile).ToLower() -eq ".xml") {
return New-VagrantVMXML @PSBoundParameters
} else {
return New-VagrantVMVMCX @PSBoundParameters
Create a new Vagrant Hyper-V VM by cloning original. This
is the general use function with will call the specialized
function based on the extension of the configuration file.
Using an existing Hyper-V VM a new Hyper-V VM is created
by cloning the original.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM configuration file.
.PARAMETER DestinationPath
Path to new Hyper-V VM hard drive.
Directory path of the original Hyper-V VM to be cloned.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM hard drive.
.PARAMETER LinkedClone
New Hyper-V VM should be linked clone instead of complete copy.
Name of the new Hyper-V VM.
VirtualMachine. The cloned Hyper-V VM.
function New-VagrantVMVMCX {
param (
[string] $VMConfigFile,
[string] $DestinationPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $DataPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $SourcePath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[bool] $LinkedClone = $false,
[string] $VMName
$NewVMConfig = @{
Path = $VMConfigFile;
SnapshotFilePath = Join-Path $DataPath "Snapshots";
VhdDestinationPath = Join-Path $DataPath "Virtual Hard Disks";
VirtualMachinePath = $DataPath;
$VMConfig = (Hyper-V\Compare-VM -Copy -GenerateNewID @NewVMConfig)
# If the config is empty it means the import failed. Attempt to provide
# context for failure
if($VMConfig -eq $null) {
Report-ErrorVagrantVMImport -VMConfigFile $VMConfigFile
$VM = $VMConfig.VM
$Gen = $VM.Generation
# Set VM name if name has been provided
if($VMName) {
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -NewVMName $VMName
# Set EFI secure boot on machines after Gen 1
if($Gen -gt 1) {
Hyper-V\Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -EnableSecureBoot (Hyper-V\Get-VMFirmware -VM $VM).SecureBoot
# Disconnect adapters from switches
Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $VM | Hyper-V\Disconnect-VMNetworkAdapter
# Verify new VM
$Report = Hyper-V\Compare-VM -CompatibilityReport $VMConfig
if($Report.Incompatibilities.Length -gt 0){
throw $(ConvertTo-Json $($Report.Incompatibilities | Select -ExpandProperty Message))
if($LinkedClone) {
$Controllers = Hyper-V\Get-VMScsiController -VM $VM
if($Gen -eq 1){
$Controllers = @($Controllers) + @(Hyper-V\Get-VMIdeController -VM $VM)
foreach($Controller in $Controllers) {
foreach($Drive in $Controller.Drives) {
if([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Drive.Path) -eq [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($SourcePath)) {
$Path = $Drive.Path
Hyper-V\Remove-VMHardDiskDrive $Drive
Hyper-V\New-VHD -Path $DestinationPath -ParentPath $SourcePath -Differencing
Hyper-V\Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VM $VM -Path $DestinationPath
return Hyper-V\Import-VM -CompatibilityReport $VMConfig
Create a new Vagrant Hyper-V VM by cloning original (VMCX based).
Using an existing Hyper-V VM a new Hyper-V VM is created
by cloning the original.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM configuration file.
.PARAMETER DestinationPath
Path to new Hyper-V VM hard drive.
Directory path of the original Hyper-V VM to be cloned.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM hard drive.
.PARAMETER LinkedClone
New Hyper-V VM should be linked clone instead of complete copy.
Name of the new Hyper-V VM.
VirtualMachine. The cloned Hyper-V VM.
function New-VagrantVMXML {
param (
[string] $VMConfigFile,
[string] $DestinationPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $DataPath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $SourcePath,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[bool] $LinkedClone = $false,
[string] $VMName
$DestinationDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($DestinationPath)
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $DestinationDirectory
Hyper-V\New-VHD -Path $DestinationPath -ParentPath $SourcePath -ErrorAction Stop
} else {
Copy-Item $SourcePath -Destination $DestinationPath -ErrorAction Stop
[xml]$VMConfig = Get-Content -Path $VMConfigFile
$Gen = [int]($"#text") + 1
if(!$VMName) {
$VMName = $"#text"
# Determine boot device
if($Gen -eq 1) {
Switch ((Select-Xml -xml $VMConfig -XPath "//boot").node.device0."#text") {
"Floppy" { $BootDevice = "Floppy" }
"HardDrive" { $BootDevice = "IDE" }
"Optical" { $BootDevice = "CD" }
"Network" { $BootDevice = "LegacyNetworkAdapter" }
"Default" { $BootDevice = "IDE" }
} else {
Switch ((Select-Xml -xml $VMConfig -XPath "//boot").node.device0."#text") {
"HardDrive" { $BootDevice = "VHD" }
"Optical" { $BootDevice = "CD" }
"Network" { $BootDevice = "NetworkAdapter" }
"Default" { $BootDevice = "VHD" }
# Determine if secure boot is enabled
$SecureBoot = (Select-Xml -XML $VMConfig -XPath "//secure_boot_enabled").Node."#text"
$NewVMConfig = @{
Name = $VMName;
NoVHD = $true;
BootDevice = $BootDevice;
# Generation parameter in PS4 so validate before using
if((Get-Command Hyper-V\New-VM).Parameters.Keys.Contains("generation")) {
$NewVMConfig.Generation = $Gen
# Create new VM instance
$VM = Hyper-V\New-VM @NewVMConfig
# Configure secure boot
if($Gen -gt 1) {
if($SecureBoot -eq "True") {
Hyper-V\Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -EnableSecureBoot On
} else {
Hyper-V\Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -EnableSecureBoot Off
# Configure drives
[regex]$DriveNumberMatcher = "\d"
$Controllers = Select-Xml -XML $VMConfig -XPath "//*[starts-with(name(.),'controller')]"
foreach($Controller in $Controllers) {
$Node = $Controller.Node
if($Node.ParentNode.ChannelInstanceGuid) {
$ControllerType = "SCSI"
} else {
$ControllerType = "IDE"
$Drives = $Node.ChildNodes | where {$_.pathname."#text"}
foreach($Drive in $Drives) {
$DriveType = $Drive.type."#text"
if($DriveType -ne "VHD") {
$NewDriveConfig = @{
ControllerNumber = $DriveNumberMatcher.Match($;
Path = $DestinationPath;
ControllerType = $ControllerType;
if($Drive.pool_id."#text") {
$NewDriveConfig.ResourcePoolname = $Drive.pool_id."#text"
$VM | Hyper-V\Add-VMHardDiskDrive @NewDriveConfig
# Apply original VM configuration to new VM instance
$processors = $VMConfig.configuration.settings.processors.count."#text"
$notes = (Select-Xml -XML $VMConfig -XPath "//notes").node."#text"
$memory = (Select-Xml -XML $VMConfig -XPath "//memory").node.Bank
if ($memory.dynamic_memory_enabled."#text" -eq "True") {
$dynamicmemory = $True
else {
$dynamicmemory = $False
# Memory values need to be in bytes
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($memory.limit."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($memory.size."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($memory.reservation."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
$Config = @{
ProcessorCount = $processors;
MemoryStartupBytes = $MemoryStartupBytes
if($dynamicmemory) {
$Config.DynamicMemory = $true
$Config.MemoryMinimumBytes = $MemoryMinimumBytes
$Config.MemoryMaximumBytes = $MemoryMaximumBytes
} else {
$Config.StaticMemory = $true
if($notes) {
$Config.Notes = $notes
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM @Config
return $VM
Create a new Vagrant Hyper-V VM by cloning original (XML based).
Using an existing Hyper-V VM a new Hyper-V VM is created
by cloning the original.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM configuration file.
.PARAMETER DestinationPath
Path to new Hyper-V VM hard drive.
Directory path of the original Hyper-V VM to be cloned.
Path to the original Hyper-V VM hard drive.
.PARAMETER LinkedClone
New Hyper-V VM should be linked clone instead of complete copy.
Name of the new Hyper-V VM.
VirtualMachine. The cloned Hyper-V VM.
function Report-ErrorVagrantVMImport {
param (
[string] $VMConfigFile
$ManagementService = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\virtualization\v2' -Class 'Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService'
# Relative path names will fail when attempting to import a system
# definition so always ensure we are using the full path to the
# configuration file.
$FullPathFile = (Resolve-Path $VMConfigFile).Path
$Result = $ManagementService.ImportSystemDefinition($FullPathFile, $null, $true)
if($Result.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
throw "Unknown error encountered while importing VM"
} elseif($Result.ReturnValue -eq 4096) {
$job = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\virtualization\v2' -Query 'select * from Msvm_ConcreteJob' | Where {$_.__PATH -eq $Result.Job}
while($job.JobState -eq 3 -or $job.JobState -eq 4) {
start-sleep 1
$job = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\virtualization\v2' -Query 'select * from Msvm_ConcreteJob' | Where {$_.__PATH -eq $Result.Job}
$ErrorMsg = $job.ErrorDescription + "`n`n"
$ErrorMsg = $ErrorMsg + "Error Code: " + $job.ErrorCode + "`n"
$cause = "Unknown"
switch($job.ErrorCode) {
32768 { $cause = "Failed" }
32769 { $cause = "Access Denied" }
32770 { $cause = "Not Supported" }
32771 { $cause = "Status is unknown" }
32772 { $cause = "Timeout" }
32773 { $cause = "Invalid parameter" }
32774 { $cause = "System is in use" }
32775 { $cause = "Invalid state for this operation" }
32776 { $cause = "Incorrect data type" }
32777 { $cause = "System is not available" }
32778 { $cause = "Out of memory" }
32779 { $cause = "File in Use" }
32784 { $cause = "VM version is unsupported" }
$ErrorMsg = $ErrorMsg + "Cause: ${cause}"
throw $ErrorMsg
} else {
throw "Failed to run VM import job. Error value: ${Result.ReturnValue}"
Determines cause of error for VM import.
Runs a local import of the VM configuration and attempts to determine
the underlying cause of the import failure.
Path to the Hyper-V VM configuration file.
# Vagrant VM configuration functions
function Set-VagrantVMMemory {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[int] $Memory,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[int] $MaxMemory
$ConfigMemory = Hyper-V\Get-VMMemory -VM $VM
if(!$Memory) {
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($ConfigMemory.Startup)
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($ConfigMemory.Minimum)
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($ConfigMemory.Maximum)
} else {
$MemoryStartupBytes = $Memory * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = $Memory * 1MB
$MemoryMaximumBytes = $Memory * 1MB
if($MaxMemory) {
$DynamicMemory = $true
$MemoryMaximumBytes = $MaxMemory * 1MB
if($DynamicMemory) {
if($MemoryMaximumBytes -lt $MemoryMinimumBytes) {
throw "Maximum memory value is less than required minimum memory value."
if ($MemoryMaximumBytes -lt $MemoryStartupBytes) {
throw "Maximum memory value is less than configured startup memory value."
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -DynamicMemory
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -MemoryMinimumBytes $MemoryMinimumBytes -MemoryMaximumBytes `
$MemoryMaximumBytes -MemoryStartupBytes $MemoryStartupBytes
} else {
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -StaticMemory
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -MemoryStartupBytes $MemoryStartupBytes
return $VM
Configure VM memory settings.
Adjusts the VM memory settings. If MaxMemory is defined, dynamic memory
is enabled on the VM.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
.Parameter Memory
Memory to allocate to the given VM in MB.
.Parameter MaxMemory
Maximum memory to allocate to the given VM in MB. When this value is
provided dynamic memory is enabled for the VM. The Memory value or
the currently configured memory of the VM will be used as the minimum
and startup memory value.
function Set-VagrantVMCPUS {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[int] $CPUCount
if($CPUCount) {
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -ProcessorCount $CPUCount
return $VM
Configure VM CPU count.
Configure the number of CPUs on the given VM.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
Number of CPUs.
function Set-VagrantVMVirtExtensions {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[bool] $Enabled=$false
# Check that this option is available
if((Get-Command Hyper-V\Set-VMProcessor).Parameters["ExposeVirtualizationExtensions"] -eq $null) {
if($Enabled) {
throw "ExposeVirtualizationExtensions is not available"
} else {
return $VM
Hyper-V\Set-VMProcessor -VM $VM -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $Enabled
return $VM
Enable virtualization extensions on VM.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
Enable virtualization extensions on given VM.
function Set-VagrantVMAutoActions {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[string] $AutoStartAction="Nothing",
[parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[string] $AutoStopAction="ShutDown"
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -AutomaticStartAction $AutoStartAction
Hyper-V\Set-VM -VM $VM -AutomaticStopAction $AutoStopAction
return $VM
Configure automatic start and stop actions for VM
Configures the automatic start and automatic stop actions for
the given VM.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
.PARAMETER AutoStartAction
Action the VM should automatically take when the host is started.
.PARAMETER AutoStopAction
Action the VM should automatically take when the host is stopped.
function Set-VagrantVMService {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $Name,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[bool] $Enable
if($Enable) {
Hyper-V\Enable-VMIntegrationService -VM $VM -Name $Name
} else {
Hyper-V\Disable-VMIntegrationService -VM $VM -Name $Name
return $VM
Enable or disable Hyper-V VM integration services.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
Name of the integration service.
Enable or disable the service.
# Vagrant networking functions
function Get-VagrantVMSwitch {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $NameOrID
$SwitchName = $(Hyper-V\Get-VMSwitch -Id $NameOrID).Name
if(!$SwitchName) {
$SwitchName = $(Hyper-V\Get-VMSwitch -Name $NameOrID).Name
if(!$SwitchName) {
throw "Failed to locate switch with name or ID: ${NameOrID}"
return $SwitchName
Get name of VMSwitch.
Find VMSwitch by name or ID and return name.
Name or ID of VMSwitch.
Name of VMSwitch.
function Set-VagrantVMSwitch {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine] $VM,
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $SwitchName
$Adapter = Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $VM
Hyper-V\Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $Adapter -SwitchName $SwitchName
return $VM
Configure VM to use given switch.
Configures VM adapter to use the the VMSwitch with the given name.
Hyper-V VM for modification.
Name of the VMSwitch.
function Check-VagrantHyperVAccess {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[string] $Path
$acl = Get-ACL -Path $Path
$systemACL = $acl.Access | where {
$_.IdentityReference.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value -eq "S-1-5-18" -and
$_.FileSystemRights -eq "FullControl" -and
$_.AccessControlType -eq "Allow" -and
$_.IsInherited -eq $true}
if($systemACL) {
return $true
return $false
Check Hyper-V access at given path.
Checks that the given path has the correct access rules for Hyper-V
Path to check