281 lines
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281 lines
9.7 KiB
require "vagrant/util/template_renderer"
module Vagrant
# This class provides a way to load and access the contents
# of a Vagrantfile.
# This class doesn't actually load Vagrantfiles, parse them,
# merge them, etc. That is the job of {Config::Loader}. This
# class, on the other hand, has higher-level operations on
# a loaded Vagrantfile such as looking up the defined machines,
# loading the configuration of a specific machine/provider combo,
# etc.
class Vagrantfile
# This is the configuration loaded as-is given the loader and
# keys to #initialize.
attr_reader :config
# Initializes by loading a Vagrantfile.
# @param [Config::Loader] loader Configuration loader that should
# already be configured with the proper Vagrantfile locations.
# This usually comes from {Vagrant::Environment}
# @param [Array<Symbol>] keys The Vagrantfiles to load and the
# order to load them in (keys within the loader).
def initialize(loader, keys)
@keys = keys
@loader = loader
@config, _ = loader.load(keys)
# Returns a {Machine} for the given name and provider that
# is represented by this Vagrantfile.
# @param [Symbol] name Name of the machine.
# @param [Symbol] provider The provider the machine should
# be backed by (required for provider overrides).
# @param [BoxCollection] boxes BoxCollection to look up the
# box Vagrantfile.
# @param [Pathname] data_path Path where local machine data
# can be stored.
# @param [Environment] env The environment running this machine
# @return [Machine]
def machine(name, provider, boxes, data_path, env)
# Load the configuration for the machine
results = machine_config(name, provider, boxes)
box = results[:box]
config = results[:config]
config_errors = results[:config_errors]
config_warnings = results[:config_warnings]
provider_cls = results[:provider_cls]
provider_options = results[:provider_options]
# If there were warnings or errors we want to output them
if !config_warnings.empty? || !config_errors.empty?
# The color of the output depends on whether we have warnings
# or errors...
level = config_errors.empty? ? :warn : :error
output = Util::TemplateRenderer.render(
warnings: config_warnings,
errors: config_errors).chomp
env.ui.send(level, I18n.t("vagrant.general.config_upgrade_messages",
name: name,
output: output))
# If we had errors, then we bail
raise Errors::ConfigUpgradeErrors if !config_errors.empty?
# Get the provider configuration from the final loaded configuration
provider_config = config.vm.get_provider_config(provider)
# Create machine data directory if it doesn't exist
# XXX: Permissions error here.
# Create the machine and cache it for future calls. This will also
# return the machine from this method.
return Machine.new(name, provider, provider_cls, provider_config,
provider_options, config, data_path, box, env, self)
# Returns the configuration for a single machine.
# When loading a box Vagrantfile, it will be prepended to the
# key order specified when initializing this class. Sub-machine
# and provider-specific overrides are appended at the end. The
# actual order is:
# - box
# - keys specified for #initialize
# - sub-machine
# - provider
# The return value is a hash with the following keys (symbols)
# and values:
# - box: the {Box} backing the machine
# - config: the actual configuration
# - config_errors: list of errors, if any
# - config_warnings: list of warnings, if any
# - provider_cls: class of the provider backing the machine
# - provider_options: options for the provider
# @param [Symbol] name Name of the machine.
# @param [Symbol] provider The provider the machine should
# be backed by (required for provider overrides).
# @param [BoxCollection] boxes BoxCollection to look up the
# box Vagrantfile.
# @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] Various configuration parameters for a
# machine. See the main documentation body for more info.
def machine_config(name, provider, boxes)
keys = @keys.dup
sub_machine = @config.vm.defined_vms[name]
if !sub_machine
raise Errors::MachineNotFound,
name: name, provider: provider
provider_plugin = nil
provider_cls = nil
provider_options = {}
box_formats = nil
if provider != nil
provider_plugin = Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.providers[provider]
if !provider_plugin
providers = Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.providers.to_hash.keys
if providers
providers_str = providers.join(', ')
providers_str = "N/A"
if providers.include? provider.downcase
raise Errors::ProviderNotFoundSuggestion,
machine: name, provider: provider,
suggestion: provider.downcase, providers: providers_str
raise Errors::ProviderNotFound,
machine: name, provider: provider, providers: providers_str
provider_cls = provider_plugin[0]
provider_options = provider_plugin[1]
box_formats = provider_options[:box_format] || provider
# Test if the provider is usable or not
rescue Errors::VagrantError => e
raise Errors::ProviderNotUsable,
machine: name.to_s,
provider: provider.to_s,
message: e.to_s
# Add the sub-machine configuration to the loader and keys
vm_config_key = "#{object_id}_machine_#{name}"
@loader.set(vm_config_key, sub_machine.config_procs)
keys << vm_config_key
# Load once so that we can get the proper box value
config, config_warnings, config_errors = @loader.load(keys)
# Track the original box so we know if we changed
box = nil
original_box = config.vm.box
original_version = config.vm.box_version
# The proc below loads the box and provider overrides. This is
# in a proc because it may have to recurse if the provider override
# changes the box.
load_box_proc = lambda do
local_keys = keys.dup
# Load the box Vagrantfile, if there is one
if config.vm.box && boxes
box = boxes.find(config.vm.box, box_formats, config.vm.box_version)
if box
box_vagrantfile = find_vagrantfile(box.directory)
if box_vagrantfile
box_config_key =
@loader.set(box_config_key, box_vagrantfile)
config, config_warnings, config_errors = @loader.load(local_keys)
# Load provider overrides
provider_overrides = config.vm.get_provider_overrides(provider)
if !provider_overrides.empty?
config_key =
@loader.set(config_key, provider_overrides)
local_keys << config_key
config, config_warnings, config_errors = @loader.load(local_keys)
# If the box changed, then we need to reload
if original_box != config.vm.box || original_version != config.vm.box_version
# TODO: infinite loop protection?
original_box = config.vm.box
original_version = config.vm.box_version
# Load the box and provider overrides
return {
box: box,
provider_cls: provider_cls,
provider_options: provider_options.dup,
config: config,
config_warnings: config_warnings,
config_errors: config_errors,
# Returns a list of the machines that are defined within this
# Vagrantfile.
# @return [Array<Symbol>]
def machine_names
# Returns a list of the machine names as well as the options that
# were specified for that machine.
# @return [Hash<Symbol, Hash>]
def machine_names_and_options
{}.tap do |r|
@config.vm.defined_vms.each do |name, subvm|
r[name] = subvm.options || {}
# Returns the name of the machine that is designated as the
# "primary."
# In the case of a single-machine environment, this is just the
# single machine name. In the case of a multi-machine environment,
# then this is the machine that is marked as primary, or nil if
# no primary machine was specified.
# @return [Symbol]
def primary_machine_name
# If it is a single machine environment, then return the name
return machine_names.first if machine_names.length == 1
# If it is a multi-machine environment, then return the primary
@config.vm.defined_vms.each do |name, subvm|
return name if subvm.options[:primary]
# If no primary was specified, nil it is
def find_vagrantfile(search_path)
["Vagrantfile", "vagrantfile"].each do |vagrantfile|
current_path = search_path.join(vagrantfile)
return current_path if current_path.file?