open Core type t = { mutex : Mutex.t; bp : Buffer.t; mutable align_to : int; out : out_channel; flags : int; } type config = { color : bool; timestamp : bool; namespace : bool; level : bool; source_loc : bool; backtrace : bool; } let _fl_c = 1 (* color *) let _fl_t = 2 (* timestamp *) let _fl_n = 4 (* namespace *) let _fl_l = 8 (* level *) let _fl_s = 16 (* source_loc *) let _fl_b = 32 (* backtrace *) let _fl_ct = _fl_c + _fl_t let _fl_cl = _fl_c + _fl_l let header = function | TRACE -> "TRACE" | DEBUG -> "DEBUG" | INFO -> "INFO" | WARN -> "WARN" | ERROR -> "ERROR" let ansi_header = function | TRACE -> "\x1b[34m" | DEBUG -> "\x1b[36m" | INFO -> "\x1b[32m" | WARN -> "\x1b[33m" | ERROR -> "\x1b[31m" let ansi_dim = "\x1b[2m" let ansi_bold = "\x1b[1m" let ansi_off = "\x1b[0m" let box_at = "└─ " let box_exn = "├─ " let box_bt = "├─── " let pr_timestamp bp ts = Buffer.add_string bp (Time.to_string ts) let pr_spaces bp n = for _ = 1 to n do Buffer.add_char bp ' ' done let rec pr_lines_rec indent bp s i = match String.index_from s i '\n' with | exception Not_found -> Buffer.add_substring bp s i (String.length s - i) | k -> Buffer.add_substring bp s i (k + 1 - i); pr_spaces bp indent; pr_lines_rec indent bp s (k + 1) let pr_lines ~indent bp s = pr_lines_rec indent bp s 0 let make (out : out_channel) (cfg : config) = { mutex = Mutex.create (); bp = Buffer.create 512; align_to = 0; out; flags = (if cfg.color then _fl_c else 0) + (if cfg.timestamp then _fl_t else 0) + (if cfg.namespace then _fl_n else 0) + (if cfg.level then _fl_l else 0) + (if cfg.source_loc then _fl_s else 0) + (if cfg.backtrace then _fl_b else 0) } let pr_msg bp msg ts ns lvl ~align ~indent ~f = begin if f _fl_ct then Buffer.add_string bp ansi_dim; if f _fl_t then Printf.bprintf bp "%a " pr_timestamp ts; if f _fl_ct then Buffer.add_string bp ansi_off; if f _fl_n then Printf.bprintf bp "%s " ns; if f _fl_n then pr_spaces bp (align bp); if f _fl_cl then Buffer.add_string bp (ansi_header lvl); if f _fl_l then Printf.bprintf bp "%-5s " (header lvl); if f _fl_cl then Buffer.add_string bp ansi_off; if f _fl_c then Buffer.add_string bp ansi_bold; pr_lines bp msg ~indent:(indent bp); if f _fl_c then Buffer.add_string bp ansi_off; Buffer.add_string bp "\n"; end let writer t ~ts ~ns ~filename ~lineno ~func ~errno ~exn ~lvl msg = ignore errno; let f mask = t.flags land mask = mask in let align bp = let n = t.align_to - Buffer.length bp in t.align_to <- max t.align_to (Buffer.length bp); n in let indent bp = Buffer.length bp - (if f _fl_c then 4 else 0) - (if f _fl_ct then 8 else 0) - (if f _fl_cl then 9 else 0) in begin Mutex.lock t.mutex; pr_msg t.bp msg ts ns lvl ~align ~indent ~f; begin match exn with | Some (exn, bt) -> Buffer.add_string t.bp box_exn; Printf.bprintf t.bp "Exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn); (* if not called within an exception handler, or backtraces are disabled, we don't get a backtrace and thus empty string will get added *) if f _fl_b then begin let bt_parts = String.split_on_char '\n' (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt) in List.iter (fun line -> if not (String.trim line = "") then begin Buffer.add_string t.bp box_bt; Buffer.add_string t.bp line; Buffer.add_string t.bp "\n" end) bt_parts end | None -> () end; if f _fl_s && (not (filename = "") || not (func = "")) then begin Buffer.add_string t.bp box_at; begin match (filename, func) with | ("", _) -> Printf.bprintf t.bp "%s" func | (_, "") -> Printf.bprintf t.bp "%s:%d" filename lineno | _ -> Printf.bprintf t.bp "%s @ %s:%d" func filename lineno end; Buffer.add_string t.bp "\n" end; Buffer.output_buffer t.out t.bp; flush t.out; Buffer.clear t.bp; Mutex.unlock t.mutex end