module Sexp = Sexplib.Sexp type clip = { name : string; x : int; y : int; w : int; h : int; ox : int; oy : int; } let sexp_of_clip c = Sexp.List ( Atom :: Sexplib.Conv.sexp_of_int [c.x; c.y; c.w; c.h; c.ox; c.oy]) let sexp_of_sprite_map clips = Sexp.List ( Atom "map" :: (List.sort (fun a b -> compare clips |> List.rev_map sexp_of_clip)) let svg v = ("", v) let ink v = ("", v) let sodi v = ("", v) type s = { mutable depth : int; mutable height : int; mutable origins : (string * (int * int)) list; mutable clips : clip list; mutable clips_g : int; } let extract_clips xml = let s = { depth = 0; height = 0; origins = []; clips = []; clips_g = Int.max_int; } in let el_start tag atrs = s.depth <- s.depth + 1; if tag = svg "svg" then begin let height = List.assoc ("", "height") atrs |> int_of_string in s.height <- height end; if tag = svg "g" then begin let label = List.assoc_opt (ink "label") atrs in if label = Some "clips" then s.clips_g <- min s.clips_g s.depth end; if tag = sodi "guide" then begin let label = List.assoc_opt (ink "label") atrs in match label with | None | Some "" -> () | Some name -> let pos = List.assoc ("", "position") atrs in let[@warning "-8"] [ x; y ] = String.split_on_char ',' pos in let x = int_of_string x in let y = s.height - int_of_string y in <- (name, (x, y)) :: end; if s.clips_g < s.depth && tag = svg "rect" && List.mem_assoc (ink "label") atrs then begin let name = List.assoc (ink "label") atrs in let x = List.assoc ("", "x") atrs |> int_of_string in let y = List.assoc ("", "y") atrs |> int_of_string in let w = List.assoc ("", "width") atrs |> int_of_string in let h = List.assoc ("", "height") atrs |> int_of_string in let ox, oy = try List.assoc name with Not_found -> (x, y) in s.clips <- { name; x; y; w; h; ox; oy } :: s.clips end; true in let el_end () = s.depth <- s.depth - 1; if s.depth < s.clips_g then s.clips_g <- Int.max_int; s.depth > 0 in while match Xmlm.input xml with | `Dtd _ | `Data _ -> true | `El_start (tag, atrs) -> el_start tag atrs | `El_end -> el_end () do () done; s.clips let gen_sprite_map ic oc = let sprite_map = Xmlm.make_input (`Channel ic) |> extract_clips in Format.kasprintf (output_string oc) "%a\n" Sexp.pp_hum (sexp_of_sprite_map sprite_map) let () = gen_sprite_map stdin stdout