module Ast = Spice_syntax.Ast module Value = Spice_runtime.Value open Spice_runtime.Code open B.Infix exception Error of string let compile_error f = Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) f let add (`R i) k = `R (i + k) let suc r = add r 1 let undef_method = Value.Native_function (fun _ -> failwith "BUG: method undefined") let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) = let reg_of_id = Hashtbl.create 128 in let set_reg id r = if Hashtbl.mem reg_of_id id then Fmt.failwith "BUG: '%a' reassigned" Ir.pp_id id; Hashtbl.add reg_of_id id r in let get_reg id = try Hashtbl.find reg_of_id id with Not_found -> Fmt.failwith "BUG: '%a' unassigned" Ir.pp_id id in let rec emit_exp_v sp : Ir.exp -> B.t * arg = function | Ir.Lit v -> B.empty, `Cst v | Ir.Var id -> B.empty, (get_reg id :> arg) | Ir.Let (id, rhs, bdy) -> set_reg id sp; let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp rhs in let bc2, v = emit_exp_v (suc sp) bdy in (bc1 +> bc2), v | Ir.Seq (e1, e2) -> let bc1, _ = emit_exp_v sp e1 in let bc2, v = emit_exp_v sp e2 in (bc1 +> bc2), v | ir -> emit_exp_s sp ir, (sp :> arg) and emit_exp_s sp : Ir.exp -> B.t = function | Ir.Get path -> let bc1, loc = emit_path sp path in bc1 +> B.get sp loc | Ir.Set (path, rhs) -> let bc1, loc = emit_path sp path in let bc2, rv = emit_exp_v (suc sp) rhs in bc1 +> bc2 +> B.set loc rv | Ir.Seq (e1, e2) -> let bc1, _ = emit_exp_v sp e1 in let bc2 = emit_exp_s sp e2 in bc1 +> bc2 | Ir.If (e0, e1, e2) -> let bc0, v0 = emit_exp_v sp e0 in let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp e1 in let bc2 = emit_exp_s sp e2 in bc0 +> B.if_ v0 bc1 bc2 | Ir.Uop (op, e1) -> let op = match op with Not -> B.not_ in let bc1, v1 = emit_exp_v sp e1 in bc1 +> op sp v1 | Ir.Bop (op, e1, e2) -> let op = match op with | Add -> B.add | Sub -> B.sub | Mul -> B.mul | Div -> B.div | Mod -> B.mod_ | Eql -> B.ceq | Grt -> B.cgt | Lst -> B.clt in let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp e1 in let bc2, v2 = emit_exp_v (suc sp) e2 in bc1 +> bc2 +> op sp v2 | Ir.Call (fn, args) -> let bc0, fn = emit_path sp fn in let argvs = List.mapi (fun i _ -> add sp (i + 1)) args in let bc1 = B.concat (List.map2 emit_exp_s argvs args) in bc0 +> bc1 +> sp fn argvs | Ir.Obj { vals; funs; clos } -> (* assign each captured id to a slot *) let clos_map = Hashtbl.create 64 in let n_slots = List.fold_left (fun ofs id -> Hashtbl.add clos_map id (`Ofs ofs); ofs + 1) (List.length vals) clos in (* assign each val to a slot *) let elems = Hashtbl.create 64 in List.iteri (fun i name -> Hashtbl.add elems name (Value.Field i)) vals; (* compile methods and assign to an index *) let mthds = Array.make (List.length funs) undef_method in List.iteri (fun i (name, lambda) -> let funct = compile_lambda lambda ~clos_map in Hashtbl.add elems name (Value.Method i); mthds.(i) <- Function funct) funs; (* construct object and save captured id's *) let bc0 = B.con sp { n_slots; mthds; elems } in (* Hashtbl.iter *) (* clos_map *) Hashtbl.fold (fun cap_id clos_ofs bc -> bc +> B.set (sp, clos_ofs) (get_reg cap_id :> arg)) clos_map bc0 | Ir.Open id -> let clos = get_reg lam.self in let ofs = try Hashtbl.find (Option.get clos_map) id with Not_found -> failwith "BUG: %S not captured" | Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "BUG: no captured variables" in B.get sp (clos, ofs) | ir -> let bc, rv = emit_exp_v sp ir in if rv = (sp :> arg) then bc else bc +> sp rv and emit_path sp (obj, fld) : B.t * loc = let obj = get_reg obj in let loc = sp in B.loc loc obj fld, (obj, (loc :> ofs)) in (* R0 = self *) (* R(i+1) = args[i] *) set_reg lam.self (`R 0); let sp = List.fold_left (fun sp arg -> set_reg arg sp; suc sp) (`R 1) lam.args in let bc, rv = emit_exp_v sp lam.body in let ep = bc |> B.ret rv in make_funct (List.length lam.args) ep