module Ast = Spice_syntax.Ast module Value = Spice_runtime.Value exception Error of string let compile_error f = Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) f type imm = Value.t type id = Id of int [@@unboxed] type uop = | Not and bop = | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod | Eql | Grt | Lst type exp = | Lit of Value.t | Var of id | Get of path | Set of path * exp | Let of id * exp * exp | Seq of exp * exp | If of exp * exp * exp | Uop of uop * exp | Bop of bop * exp * exp | Call of path * exp list | Obj of obj and path = id * string and obj = { vals : string list; funs : (string * lambda) list; (* clos : id list; *) } and lambda = { self : id; args : id list; body : exp; } (* lower *) let make_id_dispenser () = let i = ref (-1) in fun () -> (incr i; Id !i) module Env = struct type t = | Empty | Cons of t * t | Args of (string * id) list | Obj of { self : id; elems : string list; } let rec find name = function | Empty -> raise Not_found | Args args -> List.assoc name args, None | Cons (e1, e2) -> begin try find name e1 with Not_found -> find name e2 end | Obj { self; elems } -> if List.mem name elems then self, Some name else raise Not_found end let seq_r a b = Seq (b, a) let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) = let new_id = make_id_dispenser () in let rec lower_exp env = function | Ast.Literal (Int n) -> Lit (Int n) | Ast.Literal True -> Lit True | Ast.Literal False -> Lit False | Ast.Literal Nil -> Lit Nil | Ast.Path path -> lower_path env path (function | `Var id -> Var id | `Get (obj, fld) -> Get (obj, fld)) | Ast.Binop (op, e1, e2) -> let not e = Uop (Not, e) in let bop, uop = match op with | Ast.Add -> Add, | Ast.Sub -> Sub, | Ast.Mul -> Mul, | Ast.Div -> Div, | Ast.Mod -> Mod, | Ast.Eql -> Eql, | Ast.Grt -> Grt, | Ast.Lst -> Lst, | Ast.Not_eql -> Eql, not | Ast.Grt_eql -> Lst, not | Ast.Lst_eql -> Grt, not in uop (Bop (bop, lower_exp env e1, lower_exp env e2)) | Ast.Call (fn, args) -> lower_path env fn (fun fn -> let fn_path = match fn with | `Var _ -> failwith "Ir.lower_exp: TODO(fcf calls)" | `Get (obj, mth) -> (obj, mth) in let args = (lower_exp env) args in Call (fn_path, args)) | Ast.If (e1, e2, e3) -> If (lower_exp env e1, lower_exp env e2, lower_exp env e3) | Ast.Obj items -> lower_block env items | Ast.Scope items -> lower_block env items ~is_scope:true | Ast.Fun (_, _) -> failwith "Ir.lower_exp: TODO(Fun)" and lower_path env path k = match path with | Ast.Ele (obj, fld) -> let rhs = lower_exp env obj in let lhs = new_id () in Let (lhs, rhs, k (`Get (lhs, fld))) | Ast.Var name -> match Env.find name env with | id, None -> k (`Var id) | obj, Some fld -> k (`Get (obj, fld)) | exception Not_found -> compile_error "unbound variable %S" name and lower_block ?(is_scope = false) env items = (* collect names of bindings to form the new environment; also check if a scope ends with an expression, if not then it is an error *) let elems, ends_with_exp = List.fold_left (fun (elems, _) -> function | Ast.Item_exp _ -> elems, true | Ast.Item_val (name, _) | Ast.Item_obj (name, _) | Ast.Item_fun (name, _, _) -> name :: elems, false) ([], false) items in if is_scope && not ends_with_exp then compile_error "scope does not end in expression"; (* build environment for field initializers; NOT for lambda capture *) let self = new_id () in let env_in = Env.Cons (Obj { self; elems }, env) in let funs_r, vals_r, inits_r = List.fold_left (fun (fns, vls, ins) -> function | Ast.Item_exp exp -> let init = lower_exp env_in exp in fns, vls, init :: ins | Ast.Item_val (name, exp) -> let init = Set ((self, name), lower_exp env_in exp) in fns, name :: vls, init :: ins | Ast.Item_obj (name, items) -> (* TODO: it would be ideal if we could construct the empty versions of obj's in a sort of "pre-init" phase, before assigning field values. but for now, obj items are identical to val's where the rhs is an obj expression. *) let init = Set ((self, name), lower_block env_in items) in fns, name :: vls, init :: ins | Ast.Item_fun (name, args, body) -> let fn = name, compile_lambda env args body in fn :: fns, vls, ins) ([], [], []) items in (* TODO: closure conversion *) (* if [is_scope], return the last expr, otherwise return the object itself *) let ret, inits_r = match is_scope, inits_r with | true, init :: inits -> init, inits | _, inits -> Var self, inits in (* reverse order of inits and decls since they are cons'ed backwards *) Let ( self, Obj { funs = List.rev funs_r; vals = List.rev vals_r; }, List.fold_left (fun a b -> Seq (b, a)) ret inits_r ) and compile_lambda env args body = let self = new_id () in if args <> [] then failwith "Ir.compile_lambda: TODO(args non-empty)"; (* FIXME: capture environment *) let env = ignore env; Env.Empty in let args = [] in let body = lower_exp env body in { self; args; body } in let self = new_id () in let env = (* TODO: lib entries *) let _ = lib in Env.Empty in let args = [] in let body = lower_block env modl.items in { self; args; body }