open! Import include (Meta_server_info : sig val version : string end) let tz_offset_s = Ptime_clock.current_tz_offset_s () let pp_time = Ptime.pp_human () ?tz_offset_s type t = { version : string; created : string; hostname : string; admin_info : string; motd : string list; conf : conf; } and conf = { isupport : string list; all_umodes : Mode.user list; all_cmodes : Mode.chan_d list; all_pmodes : [Mode.chan_a | Mode.chan_b | Mode.chan_c] list; init_umode : Mode.Set.t; init_cmode : Mode.Set.t; } let isupport = [ "CASEMAPPING=ascii"; "CHANTYPES=#"; "CHANMODES=b,k,l,imstn"; "PREFIX=(ov)@+"; ] let default_conf = { isupport; all_umodes = [`i; `o; `w]; all_cmodes = [`i; `m; `n; `s; `t]; all_pmodes = [`b; `k; `l; `o; `v]; init_umode = Mode.Set.of_list [`i; `w]; init_cmode = Mode.Set.of_list [`n; `s; `t]; } let make ?(conf = default_conf) ~hostname ~motd () = { version; created = Fmt.str "%a" pp_time ( ()); admin_info = "the admin of this server is"; hostname; motd; conf; } let prefix t = Msg.Server_prefix t.hostname