include (val Logging.sublogs Server.logger "Main") let min_level = match Sys.getenv_opt "LOG_LEVEL" |> String.uppercase_ascii with | Some "TRACE" -> Logging.TRACE | Some "DEBUG" -> Logging.DEBUG | Some "INFO" -> Logging.INFO | Some ("WARN" | "WARNING") -> Logging.WARN | Some ("ERR" | "ERROR") -> Logging.ERROR | _ -> Logging.INFO let no_color = Option.is_some (Sys.getenv_opt "LOG_NO_COLOR") let no_timestamp = Option.is_some (Sys.getenv_opt "LOG_NO_TIMESTAMP") let no_namespace = Option.is_some (Sys.getenv_opt "LOG_NO_NAMESPACE") let () = match Sys.getenv_opt "JOURNAL_STREAM" with | Some _ -> Logging.init_journald_writer () ~min_level | None -> Logging.init_pretty_writer stderr ~min_level ~color:(not no_color) ~timestamp:(not no_timestamp) ~namespace:(not no_namespace) let sd_notify_sock = (fun path -> let sock_fd = Unix.socket PF_UNIX SOCK_DGRAM 0 ~cloexec:true in let dest = Unix.ADDR_UNIX path in sock_fd, dest) (Sys.getenv_opt "NOTIFY_SOCKET") let sd_notify msg = Option.iter (fun (sock_fd, dest) -> let dgram = Bytes.of_string msg in Unix.sendto sock_fd dgram 0 (Bytes.length dgram) [] dest |> ignore) sd_notify_sock (* TODO: s-exp/json/toml config format *) let port = try let port = int_of_string (Sys.getenv "IRC_PORT") in if port <= 0 || port > 65535 then failwith "invalid port"; port with _ -> 6667 let hostname = match Sys.getenv_opt "IRC_HOSTNAME" with | Some x -> x | None -> "" let motd_file = match Sys.getenv_opt "IRC_MOTD" with | Some x -> x | None -> "./motd.txt" let config : Server.config = { port; hostname; listen_backlog = 8; ping_interval = 60; whowas_history_len = 1000; motd_file; notify = function | `ready -> sd_notify "READY=1" | `stopping -> sd_notify "STOPPING=1" } let () = Printexc.register_printer (function | Unix.Unix_error (eno, who, _) -> Some (Fmt.str "%s: %s" who (Unix.error_message eno)) | Failure msg -> Some ("internal error: " ^ msg) | Invalid_argument who -> Some ("internal error: invalid argumnet: " ^ who) | _ -> None); try @@ config with exn -> error (fun m -> m "%a" Fmt.exn exn); exit 1