#lang racket/base (require racket/match racket/set racket/runtime-path json (prefix-in pict: pict) file/convertible racket/class racket/gui/base) (define (convert->png-bytes v) (and (convertible? v) (convert v 'png-bytes+bounds #f))) (define (snip? v) (is-a? v snip%)) ;; Replace "racket -t file" ;; with ;; "racket -I raart/kitty-init -i -t file -e '(exit 0)'" (define (term-is-kitty?) (define t (environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) #"TERM")) (equal? t #"xterm-kitty")) (define (install-kitty-print!) (when (term-is-kitty?) ;; XXX This could do better and use #;(pretty-print-size-hook) ;; and #;(pretty-print-print-hook) ;; to pretty these things inside other structures ;; but, then I believe I could not rely on icat, but I'd have to implement it myself (define old-print (current-print)) (define (new-print v) (match (or (convert->png-bytes v) v) [(list bs w h d v) (define-values (sp stdout stdin stderr) (subprocess (current-output-port) #f (current-error-port) (find-executable-path "kitty") "+kitten" "icat")) (write-bytes bs stdin) (close-output-port stdin) (subprocess-wait sp)] [(? snip?) (define wb (box #f)) (define hb (box #f)) (send v get-extent (pict:dc-for-text-size) 0 0 wb hb) (define w (unbox wb)) (define h (unbox hb)) (new-print (pict:dc (λ (dc x y) (send v draw dc x y 0 0 w h 0 0 'no-caret)) w h))] [v (old-print v)])) (current-print new-print))) (define-runtime-path kk.j "kitty-key.json") (define kk-ht (for/hash ([(s e) (in-hash (with-input-from-file kk.j read-json))]) (define o (symbol->string s)) (values (string->bytes/utf-8 e) (cond [(= 1 (string-length o)) (string-ref o 0)] [else o])))) (define (kitty-key-lookup k) (hash-ref kk-ht k (λ () k))) (define (kitty-mods-lookup mb) (define mn (- (bytes-ref mb 0) (char->integer #\A))) (for/fold ([s (seteq)]) ([m (in-list '(shift meta control super))] [i (in-list '(1 2 4 8))]) (if (zero? (bitwise-and mn i)) s (set-add s m)))) (provide install-kitty-print! term-is-kitty? kitty-key-lookup kitty-mods-lookup)