#lang racket/base (provide (struct-out absolute-size) (struct-out relative-size) (struct-out layout) layout-windows render-windows!) (require racket/match) (require "buffer.rkt") (require "window.rkt") (require "display.rkt") (require "rope.rkt") (require "wrap.rkt") ;; A SizeSpec is either ;; -- (absolute-size PositiveInteger), a specific size in screen rows ;; -- (relative-size PositiveReal), a weighted window size (struct absolute-size (lines) #:prefab) (struct relative-size (weight) #:prefab) ;; A Layout is a (layout Window SizeSpec Nat Nat) (struct layout (window ;; Window size-spec ;; SizeSpec top ;; Nat, a row left ;; Nat, a column width ;; Nat height ;; Nat ) #:prefab) (define (newline? c) (equal? c #\newline)) ;; Finseth's book defines a C routine, Framer(), which is intended to ;; ensure that the `top_of_window` mark, denoting the position where ;; display should begin for the current window, is in a sane position. ;; The mark is left alone unless the cursor is outside the currently ;; displayed window, either above or below. If the mark needs to be ;; moved, it is moved to a line such that the cursor, after redisplay, ;; will end up at a configurable percentage of the way down the ;; window. ;; ;; It is here that we perform soft-wrapping of lines. ;; ;; Window Nat -> (List (Pair Nat Nat)) ;; Ensures that window-top is sanely positioned with respect to ;; window-point. Returns wrapped line spans starting at the new ;; window-top. (define (frame! win available-line-count window-width #:preferred-position-fraction [preferred-position-fraction 1/2]) (define buf (window-buffer win)) (define old-top-of-window-pos (or (buffer-mark-pos* buf (window-top win)) 0)) (define preferred-distance-from-bottom (ceiling (* available-line-count (- 1 preferred-position-fraction)))) (define g (buffer-lines-reverse/wrap buf (window-point win) basic-wrap window-width)) (define spans (let loop ((line-count 0) (all-spans '()) (preferred-spans '())) (define-values (pos eol-pos) (g)) (define span (cons pos eol-pos)) (define new-all-spans (cons span all-spans)) (define new-preferred-spans (if (= line-count preferred-distance-from-bottom) new-all-spans preferred-spans)) (cond [(not pos) all-spans] ;; we hit buffer top before our preferred distance. NB all-spans [(= pos old-top-of-window-pos) new-all-spans] [(>= line-count (- available-line-count 1)) new-preferred-spans] [else (loop (+ line-count 1) new-all-spans new-preferred-spans)]))) (buffer-mark! buf (window-top win) (caar spans)) spans) (define (tty-body-style t is-active?) (tty-set-pen! t tty-default-pen)) (define (tty-statusline-style t is-active?) (tty-set-pen! t (pen color-black color-white #f #f))) (define (render-window! t win window-top window-width window-height is-active?) (define buf (window-buffer win)) (define available-line-count (if (window-status-line? win) (- window-height 1) window-height)) (define spans (frame! win available-line-count window-width)) (define cursor-pos (buffer-mark-pos buf (window-point win))) (tty-goto t window-top 0) (tty-body-style t is-active?) (define (render-span sol-pos eol-pos line-count cursor-coordinates) (define line (rope->string (buffer-region buf sol-pos eol-pos))) (tty-display t line) (tty-newline t) (if (<= sol-pos cursor-pos eol-pos) (list (+ line-count window-top) (let ((line-to-cursor (substring line 0 (- cursor-pos sol-pos)))) (buffer-string-column-count buf 0 line-to-cursor))) cursor-coordinates)) (define (render-top-spans spans line-count cursor-coordinates) (cond [(>= line-count available-line-count) cursor-coordinates] [(null? spans) (define g (buffer-lines-forward/wrap buf (window-point win) basic-wrap window-width)) (g) ;; discard first span, since it has already been covered (render-bottom-spans g line-count cursor-coordinates)] [else (render-top-spans (cdr spans) (+ line-count 1) (render-span (caar spans) (cdar spans) line-count cursor-coordinates))])) (define (render-bottom-spans g line-count cursor-coordinates) (if (>= line-count available-line-count) cursor-coordinates (let-values (((sol-pos eol-pos) (g))) (if sol-pos (render-bottom-spans g (+ line-count 1) (render-span sol-pos eol-pos line-count cursor-coordinates)) (begin (for ((i (- available-line-count line-count))) (tty-newline t)) cursor-coordinates))))) (define cursor-coordinates (render-top-spans spans 0 #f)) (when (window-status-line? win) (tty-statusline-style t is-active?) (let* ((prefix (format "-:~a- ~a " (if (buffer-dirty? buf) "**" "--") (buffer-title buf))) (remaining-length (- (tty-columns t) (string-length prefix)))) (tty-display t prefix) (when (positive? remaining-length) (tty-display t (make-string remaining-length #\-))))) cursor-coordinates) (define (layout-windows ws miniwin total-width total-height [minimum-height 4]) (define miniwin-spans (frame! miniwin (min 4 total-height) total-width #:preferred-position-fraction 1)) (define miniwin-height (length miniwin-spans)) (define total-weight (foldl + 0 (map (lambda (e) (match (cadr e) [(absolute-size _) 0] [(relative-size w) w])) ws))) (define reserved-lines (foldl + miniwin-height (map (lambda (e) (match (cadr e) [(absolute-size lines) lines] [(relative-size _) 0])) ws))) (define proportional-lines (- total-height reserved-lines)) (append (let loop ((ws ws) (offset 0) (remaining proportional-lines)) (match ws ['() '()] [(cons (list w (and spec (absolute-size lines))) rest) (cons (layout w spec offset 0 total-width lines) (loop rest (+ offset lines) remaining))] [(cons (list w (and spec (relative-size weight))) rest) (define height (max minimum-height (inexact->exact (round (* proportional-lines (/ weight total-weight)))))) (if (>= remaining height) (if (null? rest) (list (layout w spec offset 0 total-width remaining)) (cons (layout w spec offset 0 total-width height) (loop rest (+ offset height) (- remaining height)))) (if (>= remaining minimum-height) (list (layout w spec offset 0 total-width remaining)) '()))])) (list (layout miniwin (absolute-size miniwin-height) (- total-height miniwin-height) 0 total-width miniwin-height)))) (define (render-windows! t layouts active-window) (tty-body-style t #f) (tty-goto t 0 0) (define active-cursor-position (for/fold [(cursor-position #f)] [(e layouts)] (match-define (layout w _spec window-top _left window-width window-height) e) (define is-active? (eq? w active-window)) (define window-cursor-position (render-window! t w window-top window-width window-height is-active?)) (if is-active? window-cursor-position cursor-position))) (when active-cursor-position (tty-goto t (car active-cursor-position) (cadr active-cursor-position))) (tty-flush t))